The Alpha

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You awoke in an old dusty room.

"Where- where am I?" You rubbed your eyes, confused.

"An Inn. We had to rest before continuing."

"Huh? Who's there!?" You shrieked, startled by the realization you weren't alone.

Suddenly the macho woman emerged from the shadows of the room.

  "Stay back!" You screeched, and your arms moved to the closest thing that could be used as a weapon. As it happened, it was a dusty lamp that your thin arms could barely manage to lift.

  But the woman didn't flinch. Not even a bit. This took you aback. What could be scarier than a 3'6" 80 pound pretty princess?

  The woman walked over and grabbed the lamp from your fingers before setting it back down on the nightstand.

  "You'll tire yourself."

  "Who even are you?!" You demanded to know.

  The woman sighed. "My name is Jolee. I am the leader of the Lycans.

  The lycans..? As in...werewolves?? As in...the mythical creature that only exists as the antagonist in fairytales? No way.

  The shock on your face must've been obvious as the woman, scoffed and turned away. Then in the blink of an eye, you noticed she had.. ears? But not like, regular human ears, like.. wolf ears?? And a tail!??!?

  "I guess we're still being chalked up to some fairytale monsters that have nothing better to do than to eat grandmas and blow down barns." She scoffed.

  "W-well, my name is Y/N, I'm the princess of Avondale." You stammered.

  "Nice to meet you Y/N, I'll be holding you hostage until that scum father of yours pays his dues."

  "What? But you can't! He doesn't have any-" You paused as realization washed over you.

  "Daddy! Oh God, what happened to him! The castle, it was on fire and-"

  "Don't worry about him. I had someone get him out."

  You let out a relieved sigh.

  "Dad..." Before you knew it, tears were pouring out of your eyes.

  "Hey- don't- stop that," Jolee tried to comfort you, but being the lone wolf that she is, she had no clue how to. She had never been in a situation like this. All of a sudden, you felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around you. You uncovered your eyes and looked at Jolee's flushed face.

  "Just..stop crying."

Whispers of the Night (Jolee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now