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  "Just..stop crying."

  You were taken aback. Still in her embrace, you wondered what happened to the stotic woman from before.

Wait, still in her embrace?

You shoved her away with tears still dripping from your eyes. A woman such as yourself who is soon to be married cannot risk losing your hug-card. What man would take someone whose hugged someone before..?

'For the sake of the kingdom..' You reminded yourself.

"Don't forget that I am a princess, and you're just some crook. Don't put your hands on me." You turn away, flushed.

"Damn, my bad "princess"' She air quoted. A blank expression was drawn on her face, although her lips were curled into a frown even more so than usual.

There was an awkward pause.

  "You hungry?" Jolee asked, breaking the silence.


"Well you have to eat something, we have a long trip ahead of us. Excuse me." And with that, she left the room.

You calmed down your shaking frail body and stepped out of bed to explore your surroundings. You were still in your nightgown. Oh god.. she saw me in my nightgown! Thats so embarrassinggggg!!!

Your face turned red and you tried to shake it off.

Examining the room, you noticed a sheer yellow curtain covering a small window and pulled it back.

Ewww! This place was in some kind of poor person village! The streets were covered in worn down cobblestone and trash! Its like you could smell the stench of poor through the window...

Suddenly, the room's door swung open.

"Eeeeek!" You screamed and swiveled your head around. "Oh, it's-"

"This is the best that I could find." You stared at the covered object in Jolee's hand. She untied the cloth to reveal a moldy, burnt piece of bread.

  "Do you seriously expect me to eat that?!" You sneered.

  "Well, its the best you're going to get out here. We're on the outskirts of Avondale. Not another town for miles to come."

  "Ugh!" You snatched the rock like piece of bread and shot a glare at Jolee. It was times like this you were glad that you were so small and thin that you were barely ever hungry.

  As you examined Jolee, you realized the ears were missing. Was that whole thing just a hallucination..? Well, it did feel like you glossed over it too fast.

  "Noticed the ears?" Jolee confronted you after noticing your intense staring.

  You blushed and turned away. "Y-yea..what happened to them..?"

  "We all hide them. Ever wonder why you've never seen a werewolf before? It's because we're hunted. We hide amongst humans, fearing for our safety. If we're found, we'll be burned at a stake." Her tone was calm yet you could see the fear reflected in her eyes.

Your heart ached a bit, that sounds horrible. You couldn't even imagine leading a life like that.

Whispers of the Night (Jolee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now