The Lone Human

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Theresa made her way into the burning castle. Boulders of stone from what used to be the palace fell all around her. Although, it didn't phase her. She'd seen worse.

She winced as the unwelcome memories came flooding back.

A house in the woods.


Screams for help.

A crying child with no where to go,

and an outstretched hand.

Theresa blocked out these memories for the nth time. She recollected herself and continued down the path.

She found herself wandering the flaming halls, and found a bucket of water. 'This might come in handy.'
She thought as she grabbed it. Suddenly, she heard bloodcurdling screams of pain coming from the throne room.


  She ran towards the screams and found a body immersed in flames. She poured the bucket onto the fire, but something was wrong...this body was way too muscular to be King Leeland..


  Just as she was processing this, there was a huge explosion and the castle began to collapse.

  'I need to get out of here.' She thought as she grabbed the body and slung it over her shoulder. She dashed through the castle trying to avoid death.

  After she made it a safe distance from the castle, she stopped at the side of the road and threw the body down. She emptied her flask on the face of the body to remove the soot.

  'Yup, definitely not King Leeland. Theres no rolls anywhere on this mans body. All he has are muscles and a beautiful hot gorgeous amazing face.'

  'I didn't get the king..he's probably dead by now. I've failed The Alpha..'

  Just as the feeling of treachery set in, the beautiful man slowly blinked his eyes open. Immediately, Theresa grabbed him by the collar.

  "What have you done with the king." She interrogated.

  "The..who..?" The deep handsome alluring voice responded.

  Theresa landed a blow to his face.

  "Don't play dumb with me."

  "I swear I don't know who you're talking about!" He replied, rubbing the injury with tears bubbling up.

  "If I have to repeat myself one more time, you're dead. Now tell me, where is the king."

  "I'm telling you, I.DON'T.KNOW." He screamed in her face.

  "Gosh," She rolled her eyes. "You're coming with me. You're going to help me find the king."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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