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      A young girl was born into the wizarding family known as the Salvadors one a late October's eve, in the couple's eyes she was such a beauty, but the future will soon come to light. They named their newborn daughter Demi Raelynn Blayde Alcide Salvador, who was the perfect mixture of her parents, and had the family charm radiating off of her already. Demi grew up in a small manor in Italy by the noble pure-blood family known as the Zabini's, and that is how she gained one of her very first friends for life. The Zabini's were in a way into blood status, but at the same time was not hateful towards others that were not pure-blooded like most that were. Demi  was always a bright child, and was quite keened into her magic from an early age unlike most magical kids.

         As the girl grew up the brighter she got, making her power grow with her, but this was one of the things her parents feared most of all. Mrs. Salvador was quite potioner a long with gifted with making spells, so this led her work to be quite dangerous and it lead to her death with her daughter almost following her to the dead at the age of 7. This is when her father grew more temperamental about his daughters mischief and habit of getting up to no good. Yet Demi knew nothing that happened before her mothers death, nor how her fate would unfold until clues started to come about during her first two years at Hogwarts with new and old friends she gained a long the way. She was sorted into Ravenclaw to no surprise to anyone who knew her, and gain three very close friends. And this is when the story begins, the start of third year when things get more complicated, but that never stops Demi Salvador.


A/N: Please know there are some changes into the plot to fit the way the characters comes into play, and yes it will fallow important parts in the conon of Harry Potter (Owned by JK Rowling and films produced by Warner Bros Studios). Yes the characters are aged up by two years like always in my fanfics, but not much changes about their appearances/looks/personalities. Please take cautions to the trigger Warnings listed in the description, and plus do not read if you are not of the age for the mature rating if for a reason.

 Age Changes ~ | First Year: 13-14    | Second Year: 14-15   | Third Year:15-16   | Forth Year:16-17   | Fifth Year: 17-18  | Sixth Year: 18-19   | Seventh Year: 19-20 | Comes of Age at: 19-21

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