Chapter 3| Divination And The Bloody Chicken?

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       Demi was quite annoyed at her schedule she received because she was sadly placed into Divination because Ancient Runes was filled to the rim with students, and she hated this subject for one reason... Her past. She was making it to the tower that held the odd classroom, well that is how it was described by older students in her house, and that included her fellow Quidditch team mates, including the annoying Roger Davis who was such a pain in the arse. Demi was surprised to see her fellow classmates still waiting at the top of the stairs, but soon realized that they still have not spotted the trap door above their heads. She tried to get a view over the crowd, and now seeing it was Ron Weasley and Harry Potter at the very front of them explained the oblivious action before her.

       "Demi! Thank God your okay, I was so worried about you.", Ana greeted her as she jumped into the taller girls arms marking the other girl tense before relaxing into her friends embrace with a soft smile.

       "Me too Ana, but how is Tessa and Lycidas holding up after last night?", Demi asked with a hint of empathy laced into her soft Italian accent that drove more to drool than listen.

      "Honestly, Tessa was pretty shaken up after that, Lycidas on the other hand I couldn't tell. But they are lucky to not have this dumb class though. But that leads me to why haven't we went into the classroom above us yet.", The smaller girl replied making Demi smile softly before she decided to take charge and tell the Gryffindors about the trap door.

     "Hey Potter! Look up, And you'll see the way into class!", Demi called from the back of the crowd making the raven haired boy jump before shaking his head and looking up from what he heard her say, which made the crowd chuckle around them.

        "Honestly Gryffindors are so dumb at times, we're late because they didn't look up at all.", Ana said making the taller girl chuckle under her breath at her friends reaction to this, which earned Demi a small slap on the arm from the shorter girl who was clearly annoyed.

       Soon the two Ravenclaws were sitting on small poofs that were at one of the many small round tables scattered throughout the weird class room. Demi couldn't stand this classroom, with the scent, or how bad of an eye soar it was to the girl. She zoned out through the wacky professors lecture, glancing out the window in deep thought till, Ana brought her back by slapping her arm with her parchment. With a small blush Demi turned her fellow house mate, and badly hid her embarrassment from getting caught by the girl. Ana rolled her eyes and explained the task at hand, making Demi roll her eyes at this task knowing it was pointless to do, because it was not always the best to predict the future. Now no one knew why she hated this subject or why she would not even talk about it, but being stuck in this class was not her favorite thing that happened at Hogwarts.

      She watched Ana try to read the tea leaves before her, making Demi chuckle at her frustration showing, and in the action earning a glare from the red head before her. Demi already completed the task with ease, knowing she could not avoid using her knowledge or the gift she considered a curse in this very classroom. The red head was in shock that the black haired girl got this done so quickly, which made her question why her friend hated Divination. As class went on the closer it was to leave this awful class, and making it to Care of Magical Creatures now being taught by Hagrid, the games keeper of the school. 

      When the bell chimed signaling class was over, that meant Demi did not take long to rush out of the weird classroom before taking a small detour to the closest girls bathroom. She went to stare in the mirror trying to calm her frantic mind from letting her gift out a small amount, she hated how she was a pure and natural Seer because of her past. She runs from it rather than face her fears, and she had a theory that her father helped get her into that vile class to get her over this fear. Demi was staring into her sadden eyes, trying to breathe but did not notice someone was watching her from around the corner, and that was surprising the Young Ravenclaw was oblivious to the person watching her.

       "Demi? Are you here.", the Ravenclaw girl heard Tessa call from the door making her look up to see a glimpse of chocolate brown hair move away from the corner in the mirror making her go wide eyed realizing she was not alone till no.

      "Yeah I'm in here Tessa, I'll be out in a minute!", Demi called back before taking a quick look around the corner she saw the glimpse of hair at to see no sign of anyone, and with a small grumble she made her way out.

       "You worried Ana to death! Do you have any idea how panicked you made her with running away like that after the train scene last night?", Tessa started to scold the slightly smaller girl that joined her from hiding in the bathroom.

        "I'm sorry Tessa I didn't mean to... I just needed a small meditation after that horrid class.", Demi explained not looking into the harsh look from the icy green eyes of her friend as they walked to class.

       "According to Ana you were the first to finish, and kept staring out the window. Plus you didn't get the grim like Potter, so what's really going on with you?", Tessa replied a bit snappy not getting the answers she needed to help her friends out.

       "It's complicated and very personal, Knox! So drop it and pay attention to were your walking, you almost tripped down the hill.", Demi snapped at the the taller girl making her friend look shocked at her response as the headed down the rest of the hill in silence.

      When the two joined their classmates Lycidas spotted them along with Ana, which earned them a shake of the head from Tessa. Tessa signal told them it did not go well with their talk, and Demi was now in a foul mood making all three friends worry more about her. Demi was staring head with a blank expression, as Hagrid did the lesson, until Malfoy did something beyond stupid once it was his turn with the Hippagriff before them. This made her smirk slightly before going emotionless again, which was far from normal for her. This made the other three silently vow to figure out what was bugging their friend, before laughing at Malfoy's dramatics. The funniest of all was him calling the beautiful beast a Bloody Chicken, as he was carried off like a damsel by Hagrid to the Hospital Wing after dismissing the class for the day.

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