Chapter 1| The Start Of Third Year Has Came

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         Demi woke up with a small groan, as the sun hit her face as it started to rise that very morning in the country side of Italy where their manor was located. With the bright light being in her face now, there was no way to go back to sleep, and realizing this she reached for her glasses with a small huff. Despite being a Ravenclaw Demi hated the mornings, it was her least favorite time of the day. After laying there for a few moments, Demi slowly got up and stretched out her stiff muscles that ached slightly before going to get ready for the day so she could meet her father downstairs for their last meal before term began.

        Demi was soon dressed in a royal blue turtle neck, black jeans, boots that matched, and a few silver rings with a chain to match. Once she thought she looked perfect, and masculine in some way she made her way down to the family dining room. She looked around the empty halls as she walked through the lonely manor they only stayed in during the summer after her mothers death, it was filled with memories of good and bad that lingered forever as her dad tried to preserve her mothers memory with it. With one last look towards her favorite room of the manor, Demi entered the dining room and was greeted by her Father with a big parcel on the table with a small smile on his lips making her shake her head as his antics.

      "Good morning father, may I ask what this all is?", Demi asked the older Salvador who just greeted her with a chuckle.

      "It's an early birthday present, an important one none ales. Not every young witch turns 17 twice, and I know for the fact your mother would want you to have this with you to use whenever. Plus I know you like to keep your birthday from others so it's only far to give it now than later.", Mr. Salvador explained with a big smile earning the interest of his daughter before him, as she started to unravel the parcel slowly.

      "Oh my... Father you shouldn't have... It's perfect. ", Demi replied with tears in her eyes as she stared at the beautiful royal blue guitar, that had a beautiful eagle carved into the wood with black ink with her name under the bird.

      "I'm glad you like it Darling, your mother would love to hear you play, but playing for your friends will make her even more proud of you. You get to take it anywhere and everywhere, all you have to say is the word on that paper in its case and it will shrink to fit anywhere it's needed to. But I know we should get going so we don't miss the Hogwarts Express with how busy the floo network is there.", Mr. Salvador replies with a smile as his daughter seal the guitar and shrunk the guitar in its case to fit into her pocket.

      "Let's go then Father.", Demi agreed as she followed the older man to their floo room before using it after him.

  Once Demi was through to the other side onto the platform, she was met with the sight of the large crowd of students with their families new and old saying goodbye till the holidays. Demi said a quick goodbye to her father before running onto the train to find her friends for the ride to Hogwarts, excited and nervous to see her friends over the summer months knowing how much each one changed just like her. Demi was thankful to find her three friends easily, but to her surprise it was close to the golden trio's compartment that had a Professor in it by the look of the older man. Demi's breath hitched at the sight of how each of her friends grew into their features, and looking way hotter than normal, just like the trio across from them.

     Anastasia Prince, her fellow Ravenclaw and dorm mate came into her features especially with her fire color hair reaching past her shoulder in soft waves, that made her gorgeous icy blue eyes pop out more with their own beauty on her delicate features. Next to her set their favorite Hufflepuff Lycidas Zaxton, showing his ripped muscles more tones as his perfect blonde hair and chocolate eyes cover under his freckled face completed his stunning look. Then their resident Slytherin Tessa Knox, who was perfect in every way from toned muscles and curves to her beautiful honey brown hair, along with her perfect Icy green eyes under her glasses that was secured onto her face. They were not the only ones to grow into their looks, most of their year has included the Gryffindors across from them, that include Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and the Harry Potter.

      "Hey Demi are you just gonna stare at everyone or going to sit your arse down, because if I did not know any better I would say your drooling over how hot we are.", Tessa teases with a smirk making Demi break from her thoughts to reality with a slight blush on her cheeks.

      "I wasn't Tessa, only just shocked with how much everyone changed over the summer.  Plus why would I gush over an over a cocky and ego filled witch like yourself.", Demi retorted making Tessa glare at her as the others laughed at her response. 

     "She got you good Tessa, and sadly she 's not wrong because Slytherins are the ego filled house out of us all.", Lycidas said through his fits of laughter making the girl groan in annoyance at her friends jokes at her.

      "Why such the long face Tessa, you would normal retort back by now.", Anastasia asked with a soft smile as she finally calmed down with the other two.

     "Shut it, Prince no one asked for you to butt in." Tessa sneered back clearly annoyed with the group who just laughed at this more as the the other Ravenclaw acted offended at her words making Tessa join in this time as they laughed together.

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