Chapter 2| Dementor Hiccup

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       It was a few hours into the journey to Hogwarts for the start of term feast before classes began the next day, but Demi along with her friends were catching up about the summer activities when the train started to slow down. This made the four look confuse, and concerned at the same time knowing that this had to do with the mass murder Sirius Black, who escaped from Azkaban that very summer. Ana (Short for Anastasia) and Tessa pulled out their wands ready to defend themselves and the others before Demi slowly pulled out her wand with Lycidas not far behind her. In seconds they came to a halt as the air around them began to freeze as the power went out, leaving the train in utter darkness.

       Demi decides to get closer to the door to try to catch a glimpse down the corridor to try to see the intruders better, to know what they might defend themselves against. Ana grabs Demi's wrist trying to urge her not to go, and do something stupid by opening the door. Yet Tessa had other plans, she beat the others to the door and peaked her head out, but quickly retracted her head before frantically trying to lock the door causing the others to question this quick panicked action of their friend before them. 

      "Tessa what's out there?", Lycidas asked with concern laced into his tone as he stared at the Slytherin trying to lock the door as she anxiously looked out the window of the door with fear clear in her eyes.

     "Let me get that go sit down Tessa, I got it.", Demi tried to say before a skeletal hand as dark as sorrow slowly started opening the door making her block her friends from the creature before them making sure to push her friends farther away.

      "Demi no!...", Was the last thing Demi heard from her friends before she was swept up into what felt like a nightmare before everything went black after a woman voice could be heard yelling something that she could not understand at the time.

         Her three friends stared with shock faces and was filled with nothing but fear as they saw the older man rise casting a white light toward the clocked beast, which sent them away to their surprise. Once the white wisps slowly disappeared the three could see Potter in the other compartment on the ground laying just as motionless as Demi, which seem like a weird  coincidence that it happened to both at the same time without realizing it. The Professor introduces himself as Professor Lupin as he hand each of the teens in both compartments a hefty piece of chocolate to each of them before looking after the two teens before the rest monitoring them to make sure they would be alright, but answered any questions from the students before him.


          Demi starts to stir awake slowly, still having a hard time to open her eyes to see her surroundings, but the more she comes the more she could hear around her. It did not sound like she was on the train anymore from how quiet it was around her, but she was not jumping to conclusions before she could see. Demi could hear hushed whispers around her some familiar, others not so much, and with a little force she opens her eyes to be hit by the bright light of the room. Demi slowly sat up trying to find the familiar shape of her glasses before a soft delicate hand holds them in front of her, but when she said thank you quietly, all was heard by her was soft chuckles that sounded like music to her.

       "I didn't know a bright Ravenclaw like you could be nothing other than a morning person, Salvador, but then again it suits you.", The soft voice that belonged to Hermione Granger greets her as she put her glasses on as she realized who was with her.

     "What happened, where's...", Demi started to reply before taking in her surroundings that was the hospital wing at Hogwarts making the girl groan in annoyance as the memory of the previous night came back.

      "Well I have to say you were quite brave protecting your friends on the train last night from the Dementor, but it took you a little too long to wake up from its effects sadly. I told your friends I would check on you before heading to the library, to ease their worry before classes start this morning. I'll let them know you're awake in class if you don't get release beforehand.", Granger said with a soft smile, as Maddem Pomfrey  came rushing to the girl's side with a big chunk of chocolate before slamming it down on the bedside table.

      "You gave us quite a scare miss Salvador, we thought we might have to send you to Saint Mongos if you didn't wake up soon, but that can now be avoided dear. Once you eat this you are free to go to class, Your friend Mrs. Prince brought everything you would need this morning, and that means don't forget to tell her thank you.", The medi witch said stuffing a giant piece of chocolate into Demi's mouth as she saw Granger make her way out of the the empty room.

     "Thank you.", Demi said after she manages to swallow some of the chocolate she was forcefully given seconds ago by the older witch.

    It took longer than expected to finish the chocolate, but when she was done, Demi sighed in relief  as she finally got away from the sweet treat's sickening flavor from having too much. She quickly closed her curtains around the medical bed she was assigned, and quickly got dressed before conjuring a mirror to make sure she looked perfect in every way. Once she opened the curtain and revealed herself along with the bed, Maddem Pomfrey came rushing her out into the hall and shooing her way to the first class she had that day. With this Demi took a deep breathe before making her way to her class.

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