A dream and Germany

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The morning after the storm, I convinced Sheldon to make rounds with me and see if anyone needed help.

Luckily, none of the houses on the block had been completely destroyed and were all mostly intact.

The Cooper house had a few broken windows and furniture strewn about the lawn. We started the cleanup and were finished within a few hours.

I offered to use some of my savings to help repair the damages caused to their home, but they refused and said it wasn't my fault and I shouldn't worry about it.

(Time skip to the next Monday)

I sat in my room and studied for an important quiz. The dorm was empty since Holly was at a party, so I had a bit of quiet time to think.

One thing had been nagging at the back of my mind all week. What had Sheldon wanted to tell me? It seemed important, but the storm had interrupted. I'd been pretty busy last week catching up with my classes and hadn't gotten to hang out much with him.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. I answered to find Sheldon. "I need to talk to you." He said, and I let him in.

"Everything okay?" I asked, slightly concerned. "Actually, everything is great. That's why I need to talk to you. I got an incredible opportunity at a university for a summer program. Dr. Sturgis let  me know about it and my parents approved."

"Sheldon, that's Awesome! I'm so happy for you! Where is it?" I asked. "Heidelberg." He replied. "Germany?!" I asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry." He looked a bit guilty like he had done something wrong.

Sheldon's POV:

When I told Cal that the summer program was in Heidelberg, her smile faded. "Germany?!" She inquired. "Yes. I'm sorry." I replied and immediately felt guilty.

"Don't be sorry. It's a great opportunity." She said, her voice completely monotone. "I don't have to go." "No. Don't give away the opportunity of a lifetime just so I can have my best friend around. Besides. It's just a few months, right? And I'll be back home anyway." She stated, grabbing my shoulders and looking up at me.

"But all I want is for you to be happy." I admitted. It was the truth. She meant a lot to me. "I won't be if you don't take this opportunity, dummy." She punched me in the arm jokingly.

"Are you sure?" "Positive." She smiled. She gave me a hug and then I left.

I still hadn't told her how I felt. She hadn't asked about it yet, so I figured I'd wait and ask her to go on a date or something.

That was what Meemaw had told me to do. After leaving her dorm, I went back to mine and planned out what I was going to do.

I planned to take her to a cafe and give her flowers. She had mentioned that her favorites were blue lotus, hydrangeas, and white roses.

After getting done with my plan, I got up and went to her dorm, hesitantly knocking on the door.

She answered. "Wow. Twice in one night. Usually, you tell me everything you need to say the first time." She laughed.

"I was wondering if you would go to a cafe with me." I spit out. "Like a date?" She asked.

"I suppose." I replied. "Alright. When?" "Preferably tomorrow after our classes." "Ok! I'm looking forward to it." She smiled.

"Bye." "Bye." She shut the door. I had a little personal celebration.

Cal's POV:

I ran through the forest, the menacing footsteps of the monster close behind.

Wet thorny branches hit me as I ran through, tearing my clothes and piercing my skin. Rain pounded ruthlessly against my back.

All of a sudden, pain erupted in my ankle and I fell to the ground.

ROAR! The monster bellowed, coming ever closer to capturing me. Its large shadow stretched across the ground as he slowed his steps.

I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart racing. Holly hadn't come back to the dorm, so her bed was empty.

Crawling out of bed, I rushed to Sheldon's dorm. The dream had been so vivid. Almost as if I had really been running through the woods.

I frantically knocked on his door. He answered still half asleep.

"Sheldon, please help me." I said, sobbing. The nightmare had been occurring ever since the night of the storm.

"Did someone try to hurt you?" He asked, his voice becoming scarily angry.

He'd never used that tone before. "I-I don't know. It was so vivid. He- he almost got me." I stuttered.

Sheldon grabbed me and pulled me into him. I sobbed into his shirt as he stroked my hair gently.

Sheldon's POV:

I awoke to frantic knocking on my door. I answered to find Cal. She was sobbing. "Sheldon, please help me." She cried, looking at me.

"Did someone try to hurt you?" I asked, becoming angry. If someone had tried to hurt her, I would hunt them down and murder them.

             Yes, I realize that's against the law.

"I-I don't know. It was so vivid. He- he almost got me." She stuttered. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me, letting her cry into my shirt.

We went into the dorm and sat on my bed. "Can you explain what happened?" I asked.

"I've been having this reoccurring dream that I'm running through the woods during a storm and this monster is chasing me." She explained.

That sounds terrifying. Any idea why you're having this dream?" She shook her head.

I got up and into bed, patting the spot next to me. She wiped a tear from her eye and laid down, covering herself with the blankets and snuggling up to me.

I didn't know what my mother would think if she ever found out I had a girl in my bed, but we weren't doing anything inappropriate, so it should've been fine.

When she snuggled up to me, I noticed that her hair smelled like jasmine and vanilla. I had read in a book that those two were very attractive scents on a woman.

She was incredibly attractive either way in my opinion.

Sorry if this chapter was a bit cheesy lol. This is the start to Cal's awakening to being a demigod.

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