A Cafe and a confession

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Sheldon's POV:

I woke to Cal's warm body pressed up against mine, my face buried in her hair. Instead of waking her, I let myself enjoy the stillness and peace of the moment. Sun streamed through the small window, providing warmth and light to the room.

Her steady breathing and heartbeat were surprisingly relaxing. "Sheldon?" She said softly, turning to face me. "Good morning." I said, smiling at her.

Cal's POV:

Sheldon was snuggled up to me with his face buried in my hair and his arms wrapped around my torso.

"Sheldon?" I turned over to face him. His hair was a bit messy and he was smiling at me. "Good morning." He said. His morning voice was totally hot.

'Stop thinking like that' my mind kept telling me, but I couldn't. He made me happy. He always seemed to be able to comfort me. I found his unnecessary fun facts about everything cute.

He always made me smile. After my mom had passed, it felt as if I'd never be happy again. He changed that by inviting me to spend the weekend with his family.

The bit of time before we were picked up, he had told me his childhood stories. His complete willingness to help me and make me feel special was one of the many things I loved about him.

At the moment, the fact that it was my 15th birthday had completely slipped my mind. "Happy birthday." He reminded me. "I forgot about that." I replied with a small laugh.

He laughed. I got up out of bed and he followed. The clock on his bedside said that it was 7:00 a.m.

"You know, I should probably head back to my dorm if I want to get to class on time." I said, walking toward the door.

"Wait. I can walk you if you'd like." He offered. "I'm good. I'll see you in class!" I said and left the room.

Once back in my dorm, I grabbed my clothes and a towel and headed to the bathroom to shower. A few other girls were in there doing their hair and makeup.

I got ready and checked my watch to realize my first class started in 20 minutes.

I rushed to my dorm, put my stuff away, and hurried to class. I made it with 2 minutes to spare and sat in my normal seat, right next to Sheldon who was already seated and ready for class.

After school was over, I headed back to my dorm. Holly was sitting on her bed, blasting music and studying.

"Hey." She said, not looking up from her book. "Hey. How was the party?" I asked grabbing the same outfit I had worn on the day I met Sheldon. My white button-down cardigan and white skirt with aqua blue flowers.

"It was fun. This super cute guy kept talking to me!" She squealed. I was happy for her.

After changing, I grabbed my purse and car keys and went to Sheldon's room. "Hello." He stated, opening the door.

"Hey! Ready?" "Yes. You look very beautiful by the way." I started blushing. "You too. Uh, I mean, never mind." A soft expression formed on his face as if he found my bashfulness amusing.

"So, where are we going?" "I'd like to keep it a surprise." "Come on, we both know I'm the one driving." "The Latte Da cafe downtown." I laughed at his defeated expression.

I drove us to the cafe and we found a table. "So, anything specific you wanted to talk to me about?" I inquired, sipping my coffee. The day was unusually chilly for almost being summer, so I decided on a hot drink.

"No." He replied though he sounded like he was avoiding an important topic.

His outfit consisted of dress slacks and a long-sleeve leaf brown mock neck. Quite unusual for his wardrobe, since I'd only ever seen him wear plaid button-downs or comic tees.

It looked nice on him.

"I noticed you're wearing the same outfit as the day we met." He gestured to the cardigan. "You remembered." I smiled.

"How could I forget? The blue on your skirt makes your eyes look astonishing." He complimented, making my cheeks turn pink.

"Anyways, I like that shirt on you." I commended. "Thank you. My mother made it for me." "She's a brilliant seamstress. It fits you nicely."

The truth is, the shirt made him look muscular, which was different from his normal apparel. "I have a question. What is it that you were going to say on the couch that night?"

The smile sort of melted from his face. "Oh no. It's not something bad, is it?" I asked, worried that I had upset him.

"No. I've just never told it to anyone other than my family members." "Ok. Can you tell me now?" "How about we take a walk and I'll tell you then."

We left the cafe and walked downtown. It was right on the riverfront, so we found a bench and sat down.

"About that confession. What is it?" I asked, nudging his arm. "Cal, I think you're an incredible girl. You're smart, funny, beautiful, kind, and your hair smells really good."

The last part made me giggle. "Over the past month or so, I've gotten to know you well. I consider you my best friend. And always will. Before anything else."

He looked into my eyes. His had a new sort of sparkle to them. Like a baby who just discovered how to walk.

"With the help of Meemaw and Missy's Sassy Magazine, I can to the realization that I- I'm in love with you." He confessed. All sorts of different emotions were swirling around inside of me.

I knew that I liked him as more than a friend. "Sheldon, I think.. I think I'm in love with you too."

Again, sorry for the cheesiness. This is the first 'love confession' I've ever written😅
Anyways, have a wonderful day!!

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