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It was the first day of school, I decided I would just take the Mercedes-Benz and drive to school. When I pulled up I could tell I caught the attention of everyone, including the Cullens. They were curious about the new kid, especially with the car I had. I got out and checked my bag, making sure I had everything. I saw the Cullens finally take their eyes off of me and start walking, they were slow so I quickly made my way to them. I "tripped" over a rock and fell right at them, everyone but the blonde caught me. "I'm so sorry!" I pulled back and could hear everyone thinking, what they were feeling, it worked. I could hear what the blonde was thinking, hearing her intrigued by my car but not liking my presence. I quickly walked into school and went to the office, I got the papers I needed and headed to my first class. 

Which happened to be history, I knew I was going to pass high school with how high of a level of education I had already. Besides, I knew the real history, so it would be hard to bite my tongue. I was pointed to an empty seat which was next to one of the Cullens, I think Jasper. The one who was an empath, I sat down, pulled out the textbook, and opened it to the page I needed. As the day went by I would hear his thoughts, thinking about the fact he couldn't change my emotions or feel them. I didn't mind, I was able to block powers. I met a shield before, but I knew there were stronger ones out there. Once class was done I went to my next one, the day went by quickly and I didn't have too many run-ins with the Cullens. Then lunch came, and I was offered to sit with a girl I met, Angela. 

I agreed because she was nice and I didn't mind, I sat with her friends and it was easy to talk to them. I kept my hearing on the Cullens, I needed to make sure I heard them. Edward, I knew him, he was the one my Moms wanted me to worry about. He had his arm around a human girl, trying to read my mind. I threw his thoughts back at him, watching his confused look grow deeper. I knew I couldn't assume the human girl knew about them, I would have to find out if they did. She looked at Edward, following his eyes to me. "Edward, what's wrong?" "I can't hear her," Jasper spoke up, "I can't feel her either, Alice said she doesn't see anything of her either." "Is she a mental shield like me? Or maybe she's a vampire or wolf that hasn't shifted?" They looked at her, before looking at me. "It's possible, but something is wrong with her. When I try and listen to her, all I hear is my thoughts." They all looked at me, but I continued to eat.

I talked with Jessica, who talked about the Cullens and Bella, the human girl. I knew from the conversation that they had told her about everything, now I need to find out if they were going to change her. That was going to become harder, I doubt they would just easily bring it up. Once lunch was done I headed to gym, I hated that it was just after I ate but I would suck it up. I got changed into the gym clothes and walked into the gymnasium, I saw Jessica and Mike. I walked up to them and the teacher told us what we would be doing, we were going to play some volleyball while the guys played basketball. I preferred basketball, but I did what I was told. We started playing, I hadn't even noticed that Bella was also in. When she got the ball she spiked it hard, it was coming right at me but I easily caught it.

She came over to me "I'm sorry! I always tell him not to let me play, I hit Mike last year when I first started." I waved her off with a smile and spiked the ball back, shaking her hand as a way to accept her apology. "It's ok, I got good reflexes." She nodded and I knew she was most likely going to tell the Cullens that, I didn't care what she told them about me. Once gym was over I went and changed, before heading to my last class. I couldn't wait to go back home and take a shower, then I had to call my Moms and get the day ready. Besides my computer should be coming today, but my laptop came yesterday so I was impatiently waiting. I was also waiting on the couch for the movie room and my gaming room. I had this class with Bella and Edward who were sitting by each other, but I could feel his eyes on me. I could hear him thinking about me. 

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