11. Beneathe The Surface

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Episode Summuray: A new Dinozord egg is discovered by the rangers during a class archaeological dig, but Tyranodrones interfere and allow Elsa to recover it first

Authors Note: I SOOO wanted to do this chapter so badly when I put my OC Aiden in the book. Oh! And the song for this chapter will give little hits (tehehe). Anyways, here's a start of the juicy drama of books I've been telling about! : )

Hannah Carpenter Pov:

It's been a few weeks since we saved the Cyperspace to be payed by Uncoe Mercer. Trent ain't doing his shift now because he told me he's spending time with his dad

Ethan and I had finished our homework before hand. So he doesn't have to worry about it until we get another thing assignment. For me? I've got that out of the way but I was about to ask Conner to help me in some english homework

I was sitting next to Kira in Cyperspace, close to the entrance way. So basically you could say Kira is in between Conner and I

On the other hand. Ethan is playing a video game that was online, and he's playing that on a computer

Though I still hadn't forgotten that hug Conner did a week ago. I mean.. I've never had friends before, maybe that's it? I was that person who's too shy to even glanced at someone

Ethan was making too much noise, much enough that bothers us three. To even put it worse, he wasn't even wearing headphones! So we could hear all the effects and noneness through that game

"come on! Oh, no, you didn't!" Ethan shouted for the hundreds times now,  "eat laser, you intergalactic, freak!"

This been happening for a whole now. Kira, I and Conner exchanged annoyed looks

"dude, do you mind?" Conner asked the blue ranger as he turned to him

I looked over to Ethan to see he wasn't listening, almost like he forget we're here to

"made it to level twelve--!" Ethan said happily while he grinned

I was reliefed when Conner leaned over and turned off the computer himself. That though made Ethan finally got back to reality

"hey!" Ethan exclaimed puzzled and turned to look over at Conner,   "what are you doing?"

"I can't concentrate with you glowing up things in my ear!" Conner explained and I nodded

"technology, we all can't concentrate" I added as I gestured to us three at the table

"but it took me three hours to get to that level" Ethan only complained

Kira lifted her head up from her homework and join the conversation too

"sorry, but I'm with Conner on this one" Kira chimed in,  "we got a paper due tommorow. And why aren't you working on yours?"

Ethan looked at the yellow ranger

"finished it last week" Ethan informed,   "Trent, Hannah and I jammed on it while you guys were out being David beckham and--"

"don't even say it!" Kira interrupted Ethan as she shook her head

I crack a small smile of that

"wasn't going to... " Ethan replied as he turned his attention back to his computer

I noticed Kira glanced around the area of looking for someone

"where Trent, anyway?" Kira suddenly asked as she turned back to us,  " I thought he was working today?"

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