Chapter 2: A Taste of Challenge

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Chompu stared at her handphone screen, her heart sunk as she read Engfa's review once again. It was not a complete disaster, but the criticism hurt. "While the Sky Café's desserts show promise, there is plenty of room to refine the flavours. They need to be bolder, and the textures need to be more varied. It is a cozy spot with potential. I hope to see it flourish." Those words echoed in her mind continuously which dampen the morning's usual warmth.

Although she was disappointed with the review, she was determined to improve further. She has always known that she has the talent to rise to the occasion. The path to success for her has filled constantly with challenges. Even though Engfa's review was critical, it was a valuable critique to Chompu. She decided to use the review as a stepping stone to refine her recipes, experiment with different flavours so she can raise her creations to a new level.

While on the other side of the town, Engfa was sipping a cup of coffee in her minimalist apartment. She was going through her notes from the previous day. Her job as a food critic was not just about tasting the food and critiquing them. It was more than that. She must remain honest so that restaurants and cafes will be able to maintain high standards in a city where culinary arts are evolving rapidly.

She remembered Chompu's hopeful face and felt slightly regretful for what her words might have caused. However, she knew that her honest opinion was crucial because without it, there would be no growth towards excellence.

Engfa's dedication towards her role as a food critic comes from her own journey. She had worked her way up from a food blogger to a respected food critic working for BK Magazine through sheer persistence and a refusal to compromise on food quality. Her palate was her most trusted friend and her reviews are known for their straightforwardness. But beneath her tough exterior is her genuine desire to see culinary dreams succeed.

Meanwhile, Chompu was back in the kitchen with recipes and ingredients scattered around. To prove her worth, she knew she needed to take Engfa's words to heart. After hours of experimentation, she has crafted new desserts that embodied bolder flavours and more sophisticated textures.

As the final dish was plated, she came out with an idea. "What if I invite Engfa back for a private tasting session?" It was a bold idea, but Chompu wanted another chance to impress the toughest critic because she believed in her new creations. She sat down on the chair, took a deep breath and start to compose an email inviting Engfa to a private tasting at her café.

Engfa was surprised by the invitation but at the same time, she was curious. It is rare for a chef to reach out for a second chance this quick. As she was intrigued by Chompu's willpower, she agreed to the invitation. The private tasting session at the Sky Café was set for the following week.

The day finally arrived. Chompu prepared everything meticulously and infused every dessert with the lesson learnt from Engfa's review. As Engfa entered the café, Chompu greeted her with her sweet but nervous smile. The ambience of the café was inviting as usual, but it carried a new sense of anticipation.

Engfa sat at the same table with her pen and notebook ready. Chompu presented her new desserts one after another, with a brief explanation of the changes she made. Engfa tasted each creation carefully. Her expression was hard to read.

When the tasting session ended, Engfa put down her fork and met Chompu's hopeful gaze. The tension in the air was so intense as Chompu waits for the verdict.

Engfa took a deep breath and spoke, "There are some improvements."

Chompu's eyes widened. "Oh, some? I worked so hard to address your feedback. So, what do you think of the new flavours?"

"Well, the flavours are indeed much bolder than previous ones," Engfa continued. "And the textures are more sophisticated and interesting but some of the combinations are still a bit off."

Chompu's smile started to fade and was replaced by a furrowed brow. "I thought you would appreciate the risk I took with these new combinations."

"I really appreciate your effort, but effort alone is not enough. Your execution must be flawless," Engfa replied with a strict tone.

Chompu crossed her arms and was starting to feel frustrated. "I put my heart and soul into these desserts, and you made it sound like it was so easy to do everything perfectly."

"Perfection is the standard in our industry. Well, Chompu, if you cannot handle that, I guess you are in the wrong line of work." Engfa's tone went up a notch.

Chompu took a step back. "That is kind of harsh. You saw the potential in my café, but it feels like you are just tearing me down now."

Engfa leaned forward and her expression was more intense. "I'm here not to pamper you. My job is to give you constructive feedback. If you want your café to succeed, you must learn to take criticism and grow from there."

Chompu clenched her jaw. "I am taking it seriously. But I feel like no matter what I do, it seems like it is never good enough for you."

Engfa sighed softly. "My standards are high because I could see your potential. I would not be bothered to give you this feedback or come back for a second tasting session if I didn't think you could rise to the challenge."

Listening to that, Chompu's posture begin to relax. "I understand. I'm sorry. This means a lot to me."

Engfa nodded. "I get that I could be harsh sometimes, but it is because I want to see you succeed. Don't settle for less. Keep pushing yourself."

"I won't settle. I will continue to prove to you that I can reach those standards," Chompu affirming her words.

Engfa stood up, gathered her pen and notebook. "I will be keeping an eye on your progress. I look forward to seeing what you will come up with next."

As Engfa headed towards the door, Chompu called out, "Engfa, would you like to come back again once I have refined my recipes? I would love to hear your thoughts."

Engfa turned around and gave Chompu a smile. "If you can impress me, I might just be a regular."

With that, Engfa left the café. As Chompu cleaned up and prepared for the next day, her heart is racing with a newfound determination. A question lingered in her mind: What would it take to win over the toughest food critic in Bangkok?

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