Chapter 6: Old Flame

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The days at the café passed by with sweet moments and lingering glances between Chompu and Engfa. Their kiss that night had unlocked a new depth to their relationship, but Engfa found herself dealing with unexpected emotions.

One afternoon, as they were preparing for the lunch rush, an unexpected figure from Chompu's past walked into the café. Engfa was behind the counter, helping to tend to a line of customers when she noticed a woman standing near the entrance, looking around for someone. The woman was tall, beautiful and has a confident appearance that caught everyone's attention.

Chompu who was busy in the kitchen and didn't notice anything until Nudee came rushing in. "Chompu, you need to come out here now," she said urgently.

Chompu wiped her hands on her apron and followed Nudee out to the front. There, standing by the counter was a woman she had not seen in years. Her heart skipped a beat. "Marie?"

Marie turned and her face breaking into a warm smile. "Chompu. It's been too long."

Nudee also recognized Marie. Sensing the tension in the air, Nudee quietly excused herself to give them space, though her curiosity lingered.

Engfa watched them from behind the counter. Her usual calm demeanour was replaced by a knot of anxiety in her stomach. She forced herself a smile as she tries to mask her discomfort. "Hello, I'm Engfa," she introduced herself, extending a hand.

Marie shook her hand with a firm grip. "Marie. Chompu and I used to be... very close, once."

Engfa's heart sank. She didn't need to know the details that Marie was someone important from Chompu's past. "Nice to meet you," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Chompu cleared her throat, trying to ease the awkwardness. "Why don't you sit down, Marie? I will get you something to try."

Chompu went to prepare a plate of their signature dessert for Marie and sat down to chat. Seeing them chatting amicably and Chompu smiling widely, Engfa could not help but felt a mixture of jealousy and insecurity. She tried to busy herself with serving the customers, but her thoughts kept returning to Chompu and Marie's comfortable rapport.

Chompu called Engfa to the table where she and Marie were sitting, the air heavy with unspoken words.

"So, Chompu," Marie continued, "I see that you've built something wonderful here. This café is lovely."

Chompu nodded, glancing at Engfa with a soft smile. "Thank you, Marie. Engfa here has been actively involved in bringing out the best in our creations."

Engfa's chest tightened at Chompu's words, feeling a pang of jealousy she couldn't shake off. She watched as Marie tasted the dessert. Her expression was thoughtful, "It's really delicious. You have for sure grown since our time together."

Engfa forced a smile and said, "Thank you, Marie. Chompu's talent is truly inspirational."

Marie's gaze shifted between them. She could sense the connection. "I'm happy for you, Chompu. Genuinely. I came to see if... if there was a chance to reconnect with you. But I can see you've moved on."

Chompu reached across the table, placing her hand over Engfa's. "Yes, I have. But I appreciate you coming to see me, Marie. It really means a lot to me."

Marie nodded with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I wish you both the best. You deserve all the success and happiness."

After Marie left, Engfa felt a wave of emotions crash over her. She knew she had no right to feel jealous, but the sight of Chompu's past love stirred something deep inside her. During a break, Chompu joined Engfa at the counter, sensing her discomfort. Chompu spoke gently. "Engfa, is everything okay?"

Engfa forced a smile. Her voice wavering while trying to push aside her turbulent emotions. "Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know. Just surprised to see Marie here and seeing her brought up a lot of feelings."

Chompu leaned closer and nodded understandingly. "Marie and I have history. But Engfa, you are the most important in my life now. Marie is a part of my past, but you're my future."

Engfa looked down, her insecurities bubbling to the surface. "I trust you, Chompu. It's just... hard, knowing she used to be a big part of your life."

Chompu cupped Engfa's face in her hands. Her touch was tender. "You have nothing to worry about. I'm here with you now, my heart belongs to you and that's what matters."

Engfa met Chompu's gaze, feeling a mix of relief and lingering doubt. "I believe you, but are you sure?"

Chompu squeezed Engfa's hand tenderly. "Yes, Engfa. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

Engfa managed a weak smile. She was grateful for Chompu's honesty. "Thank you, Chompu. I needed to hear that."

That evening, after closing the café, Chompu and Engfa sat together at a quiet corner table while sharing a pot of tea. The air between them was calm but still charged with unspoken emotions.

"Chompu," Engfa began softly, breaking the silence, "do you ever think about your past with Marie?"

Chompu set down her cup, her gaze towards Engfa was sincere. "Sometimes. But my feelings for you are different, Engfa. They're deeper and much more meaningful."

Engfa nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. "I feel the same way too, Chompu. I just... needed to hear it again."

Chompu reached across the table, taking Engfa's hand warmly in hers. "I love you, Engfa. Truly with all my heart."

Engfa's eyes gleamed with emotion. "I love you too, Chompu."

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