Chapter 3: The Hidden Recipe

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Chompu stood in the small kitchen of her café, surrounded by ingredients and unfinished pastries. As she was determined to create something new, she decided to dig through some old boxes in her store and found a very dusty leather book. She opened it and learned that it was her grandmother's recipe book which was filled with forgotten family secret recipes.

"Ah Ma, you always had the best recipes," she muttered, smiling at those faded pages. Memories of them baking together flooded back. It reminded her of the deep connection food had always held in her family before her grandmother passed away.

Feeling inspired, Chompu decided to incorporate her grandmother's traditional recipes into her café's menu. She carefully selected a few recipes where she remembered the tastes fondly and was eager to share the flavours of her heritage with Engfa.

The following day, the aroma of freshly baked pastries filled the Sky Café. As Engfa walked in, she was greeted by the unfamiliar scents. "Hmm, something smells different today," she remarked while approaching the counter.

Chompu grinned. "Oh, I found my Ah Ma's old recipe book. Would you like to try these new creations of mine?"

Engfa's eyes sparkled with interest. "Certainly. Please surprise me!"

As she tasted the desserts, Engfa beamed widely. "These flavours are unbelievable. What is your secret?" she asked, appreciating every single bite.

"It's a family secret," Chompu replied. "These are my grandmother's recipes. Each one tells a story."

Engfa leaned in, interested in knowing the stories. "Tell me more."

Chompu shared stories of her grandmother who was a talented baker. She was the one who had taught Chompu the importance of passion and persistence in the kitchen. "My Ah Ma always said that baking is about the heart. This is what I want to bring to my café."

Engfa listened to Chompu's stories closely and was captivated by the passion in her voice. "I can see that. It shows in your creations. You have brought these recipes to life. I'm impressed with you, Chompu."

Over the next few weeks, Engfa found herself visiting the café more regularly. She was not only drawn by the desserts, but also the story behind them. One evening, as the café starts to quieten down, she sat across Chompu, "You know, these desserts you made are a real tribute to your Ah Ma. I believe she is proud of you for continuing her legacy."

Chompu smiled sheepishly. "Thank you. It's like having a piece of her here with me."

Engfa also shared her own backstory. She told how she became a food critic, the challenges she faced throughout her journey, and why she was so committed to being honest. "I realized I can be tough on you, but it is because I believe in the potential of places especially yours."

Chompu nodded. "I used to see your reviews as daunting, but now I totally understand. You push people to be better."

While talking about their personal lives, Chompu mentioned her birthday casually. Engfa's eyes widened in surprise. "No way, that's my birthday too!" she exclaimed. They giggled, sharing more details about their birth year and time, only to discover that they were born on the exact same day and hour.

"It's like it was meant to be," Engfa mused, feeling a deeper connection sparking between them. She then leaned closer to Chompu and whispered softly, "You know, I never thought I would find such warmth in a café review."

Chompu met her gaze, a playful smile touching her lips. "And guess what, I never thought I would look forward to a food critic's visit."

As they continued bonding over shared experiences and their unique birth connection, their laughter and lingering glances ignited a tender connection. Chompu realized the café had become more than just a business for her. It was a bridge between the past and present, where tradition meet innovation, and where two hearts which was once distant found a promising connection.

Before they end the night, they cleaned up the café together. While cleaning, Engfa's hand had brushed Chompu's. Both felt the electricity between them, hinting at something more to come.

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