Chapter 51

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Taylor's POV

I woke up alone, the bed feeling unusually empty without Travis beside me. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. I stretched, the cool sheets reminding me of his absence. Travis had gotten up quietly, careful not to wake me, knowing how much I valued my sleep.

With a sigh, I rolled over, my hand reaching out instinctively for my phone on the nightstand. As my fingers brushed against it, I noticed a bright yellow sticky note on top. Smiling, I picked it up, recognizing Travis's familiar handwriting.

Love you so much, my beautiful girl. Have an amazing four shows. I will be in Germany with you on the 16th. Don't miss me too much.


His words brought a rush of warmth to my chest, a tender reminder of how thoughtful he always was. I held the note for a moment, tracing the letters with my fingertips, imagining him writing it in the early morning hours before he left for his golf tournament. The thought of him carefully penning each word filled me with a bittersweet happiness.

Knowing he had to leave Europe for his tournament made the room feel a bit lonelier. Travis's presence had been a comforting constant, and now I had to face the next few days without him by my side.

I took a deep breath, trying to shake off the melancholy. I had four shows ahead of me before I got to see him again, and I needed to focus. The energy of the concerts, the connection with the fans, and the adrenaline rush of performing would help keep my mind off missing Travis. And before long, he would be joining me in Germany. That thought alone gave me something to look forward to, a beacon on the horizon.

Sliding out of bed, I clutched the sticky note, a small but powerful token of his love. I placed it carefully in my travel journal, a keepsake to carry with me until we reunited. Then, grabbing my phone, I typed out a quick message to him:

Good morning, Trav. Thank you for the sweet note. I miss you already. Can't wait to see you in Germany. Good luck with the tournament! I love you.

I hit send and set the phone down, feeling a mix of determination and anticipation.

We had been long distance before when we first started dating and throughout the european leg we had still not been together all the time, but germany would be the last time we were going to get together for a month because travis had to go back to work,

I got ready and left for the airport in the span of twenty minutes. Exhaustion clung to me, and the thought of doing my makeup seemed like an insurmountable task. Besides, I wasn't going to be seen by the public; it was a quick dash to the private jet.

I threw on a pair of comfortable jeans, a cozy oversized sweater, and my favorite sneakers. After pulling my hair into a messy bun, I grabbed my essentials: phone, wallet, passport, and the sticky note from Travis, which I tucked into my bag for a bit of comfort.

Arriving at the airport, I spotted Tree, my publicist, waiting near the entrance. She waved enthusiastically, her ever-present clipboard in hand. Tree was always impeccably dressed, her professional demeanor balancing perfectly with her warm, approachable nature.

"Morning, Taylor," she greeted me with a bright smile as I approached. "How are you holding up?"

"Hey, Tree," I replied, stifling a yawn. "I'm alright, just a bit tired. It's been a whirlwind."

"I can imagine," she said, giving me a sympathetic look. "I saw some of the photos from last night. You and Travis looked so happy, and Brittany and Patrick's news was just wonderful."

We began walking towards the private jet, the early morning air crisp and refreshing. "Yeah, it was a great night," I said, my thoughts drifting back to the dinner. "Brittany's pregnancy announcement was such a surprise. I'm really happy for them."

Tree nodded, glancing at her clipboard. "The media is going to love those photos. They capture such genuine moments. Speaking of which, there's been a lot of buzz about you and Travis. How are you two handling the attention?"

I smiled, thinking about Travis's note. "We're doing well. It's a bit overwhelming at times, but we're managing. Actually, we've been talking a lot about our future lately."

Tree raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? Do tell."

I chuckled, feeling a warm blush spread across my cheeks. "Well, seeing Brittany and Patrick so happy got us talking about having kids. It's something we both want, but we're just taking it one step at a time."

Tree's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That's amazing, Taylor. You and Travis will make wonderful parents. The fans would be thrilled to hear that, but I understand if you want to keep it private for now."

"Yeah, we're keeping it between us for now," I said, appreciating her understanding. "It's such a personal thing, and we want to enjoy these moments without too much outside pressure."

We reached the jet, and the crew began loading our luggage. Tree and I climbed aboard, settling into the plush seats. The hum of the engines was a comforting background noise as we continued our conversation.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked, leaning back and closing my eyes for a moment of rest.

Tree flipped through her clipboard. "We've got a bit of downtime before the first show. I suggest getting some rest during the flight. You've got a busy schedule ahead, and I want to make sure you're feeling your best."

"Sounds like a plan," I murmured, already feeling the pull of sleep. "Thanks, Tree."

"Anytime, Taylor," she said softly. "Get some rest. I'll handle everything else."

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