Chapter 10: The View

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Fern P.O.V.

I screamed as loud as I could as tears streamed down my face and my fists slammed against my door. How could I be locked in before my first date with the man I will one day marry?

I slumped to the floor filling up with anger and fury, but also fear. what if he thinks I ditched him? What if he thinks I hate him? I threw a pillow across the room and put my face down between my knees, tears plip-plopping on the floor.

I hate my mom.

I didn't even do anything! I walked in the door all cheerful, croaked hello, and set my bag down. Then my mom screamed from her chair, "Go to your room for the rest of the day, the month, Dangnabbit for the rest of your life! I never want to see your ugly face again!" She hates me.

I'm starting to kind of like Greg. But only a little bit. Only because when mom gets like this, he helps calm her down by smooching her. It's pretty disgusting, even more than mosquitoes. Actually, no. Mosquitoes are on the top of the list of grossness.

I crawled to my Altoid tin and tissue paper bed so I could cry myself to sleep. "Only two more years," I tell myself "Only two." I like the minty scent of my bed. it calms me down in times like this, and energizes me when the sky is completely grey, (which is like 75% of the time.)

I stared out my window. I stared at the pond, the Space Needle, and the rare burning sun. I know I have the most beautiful view in all of Seattle. And then my view got even better.

My view got Forrest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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