Chapter 2

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Rensa was the last one back to Hoshu Village, as expected. Some villagers who had most likely been making their way far into the orchards had greeted the strange group of travelers and were talking warmly with them about staying for a few days and The Harvest. Some of the men seemed fascinated by the customs of the village, while some of the women were flirting with them. Anreya and Eriki seemed especially interested in Hak and Jae-ha. Woron and Shi-dae were speaking with Yun and Yona with interested tones.

She hoped to slip by unnoticed, but someone announced her presence.

"Hello again!" Zeno waved at her excitedly, he bounced over to her. She was surprised at his energy and enthusiasm. "You sure do walk slow, is it always hard to get around?" He asked.

Normally, Rensa would have been hurt by his words, but he did not seem to mean any offense, in fact, though his smile was bright, his eyes were intelligent and compassionate. "Yes, it has taken me some time to get used to, but I get to where I need to go eventually." She explained softly.

She felt multiple eyes on her, but ignored them. What pulled her attention away from the man, was what the villagers said next.

"Excuse us, we need to get to working." Anreya said, and Rensa noticed her new cold tone.

"Yes, excuse us." Woron growled and led the others into the forest.

Hak and Yun watched them go.

"What was that all about?" Yun asked.

Rensa sighed. "I apologize for the inconvenience. Chief Dai-ir is housed in that hut, he oversees The Harvest. He'll help you find a place to stay. Do not mention my name." She pointed them to the largest house in the village and then started for her own home.

When she was about halfway across the main path in the village she heard something squeaking behind her. Furrowing her brows she turned to look but no one was following her. She took another step and she heard another squeak. Something fluffy caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. There was a squirrel leisurely making its way towards her ankle.

"Pyu-kyu" It purred up at her like it knew who she was.

"Hello there." She said and slowly reached her hand down to it, not wanting to startle it. It didn't even flinch, instead it caught hold of her wrist and began climbing up her arm, coming to sit atop her shoulder.

"You're a friendly little guy, aren't you?"

Its answer was rubbing its cheek against hers. She smiled softly.

When she arrived home it was late morning. She gave it a quick once-over. Her front door was still intact, and it didn't look like anyone had entered, so she went inside. Everything was as she left it, and she sighed in relief as she closed the door behind her. Her hut was small, with a bedroll in the far corner, and a small stone-enclosed fire pit set into the wooden floor, close enough to keep her warm during the cold nights, but not too close to catch anything on fire. Near the pit was a box filled with some fruit and herbs she had collected In the corner closer to the door there was a chest filled with her few possessions.

The squirrel leapt off her arm and started running circles around her home until it came to a stop in front of her food box.

"Don't eat it all. I need dinner tonight." She said as she lowered herself onto her futon and set her crutch next to her. She pulled the slipper off her foot and set it with her crutch within reach. She stretched and allowed herself to sit for a little while.

The squirrel watched her curiously and scurried over to her as if searching for something. When it did not find what it was looking for, it touched her bare foot with deliberate intelligence. Rensa had never seen an animal act like that before. It knew something was wrong, and was looking for what he knew to be missing. Her other leg.

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