Chapter 3

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The party of travelers came back just as the light outside was beginning to darken. Rensa had spent the day gathering herbs and fruits from the nearby trees that had not been harvested yet. She had also built a large fire pit into the ground near her hut, with enough space that the men could encamp around it. She had just gotten a fire started when they returned, laughing and talking amongst themselves.

"What's all this?" Yun asked when he spotted her sitting by the flames.

"I was hoping to make your stay as comfortable as possible. This was all I could do for you." She gestured to the fire and to the basket of food beside her.

"Thanks." He said as he walked around her to inspect her findings. "You guys have some good herbs around here. Are there any animals?"

"Yes, we get many herds of deer and flocks of birds around this time of year, because the fruit trees have ripened." The villagers did hunt the animals, but only on the last day of the Harvest, to ensure they would have enough meat to last the winter.

"Jae-ha, want to catch something for dinner?" Yun called out to the tall man.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?" He asked as he leisurely made his way over to them.

Was he a hunter? He did not carry any weapons, like a bow or spear to catch the animals.

"Anything you can find." Yun replied.

Rensa then watched something that shocked her more than anything she had seen that day. Jae-ha got a running start and then leaped into the air. He soared high into the sky and then dropped somewhere far into the trees. Her mouth dropped open and she felt like her eyes were going to pop right out. He could fly?!

"It amazes me everytime I see it." Yona sighed happily and sat on the other side of Rensa.

She couldn't come up with anything to say. Should she ask them just who they were? What Jae-ha was? Normal people did not fly right off the ground.

"He just likes to show off." Hak mumbled as she sat across the fire from them.

"W-wha?" She finally managed to breathe out.

Zeno laughed. "Zeno thinks Miss Rensa is too shocked to speak."

They all looked at her.

"Right, I supposed normal people aren't used to seeing people flying." Yun said as he set up a large cooking pot above the fire.

What did he mean by that? Were they all not normal? They all appeared to be, though she guessed she couldn't tell if they were hiding other abilities just based on their appearances. They all had their quirks, that was for sure. Kija and Hak bickered with each other, Shin-ah sat watching Ao play around in the dirt. At least that is what she thought he was doing, she couldn't tell through the mask he wore.

Yun was making something that already smelled delicious and Yona and Zeno were happily sitting there watching the others.

"What did Yun mean? Are you people not normal?" She finally managed to ask.

Yona giggled. "No, I supposed we aren't." She did not elaborate.

Rensa knew better than to pry but she was suddenly curious. "Can all of you fly?"

"The Green Dragon does not fly. He simply jumps." Zeno said.

Rensa couldn't believe how casually he spoke such strange words. What had he meant by Green Dragon? Was that a nickname because his hair was green, and he appeared to fly like a dragon?

"Have you ever heard of the legend of the Crimson Dragon?" Yona asked thoughtfully, like she was getting ready to tell an amazing story.

"No?" Rensa struggled to be polite due to her shock and confusion.

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