Chapter 13

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They ate lunch, and then after finalizing preparations for winter, watched as all of the people who had been out in the world return with carts filled with the resources that would get them through the winter.

The village welcomed them back and unloaded everything into their respective places. The sky grew dark quickly that night, as the deep clouds became darker. It continued to get colder and all the people moved inside to their homes to stay warm. Yun made a hot dinner and they sat closer to each other and close to the fire. Rensa felt bad that all the men were planning on sleeping outside in freezing temperatures. Her hut was small but perhaps they would be able to stay warm better if they were all together.

Once Yun had put dinner away, she mentioned it. "It's really cold out tonight."

"The temperature dropped pretty fast." Yun stated. "It most likely means snow is coming."

Rensa supposed he was right. "If that is indeed the case, then I would feel bad having all of you sleep outside. Why don't you rest inside tonight?" She offered. "My hut is still quite small, but at least you'll be able to keep warm."

"I think that's a good idea." Yona agreed.

So all the men did too. After Yun had put the fire out, they all went inside. Rensa sat on her bed roll and watched them all get situated. Hak sat next to the front door. Zeno, Shin-ah and Yun sprawled out where Yona usually slept. Kija draped himself against the chest held in the corner. Yona curled up against the wall a foot or two away from Hak. Rensa watched Jae-ha sit in the corner across from where she slept after moving the box of food out of the way.

"Good night everyone." Yona yawned and then fell silent.

There were a few scattered "good nights" from the dragons and then her hut was quiet and dark.

She fiddled with the buckles on the straps and after a few minutes, was able to remove the wooden limb from around her knee. The buckles jangled ever so slightly as she set it next to her bedroll. She pulled a thick blanket over her shoulders and lied down.

It was hard for Rensa to fall asleep, for some reason her thoughts were racing and all over the place.

She did not know when they would be leaving next. She didn't know what this coming winter held in store. She was concerned for Jae-ha, who was hiding something. Whatever it was, it was his to share, but it still hurt that he was keeping things from her, because of it, she felt there was a wall forming between them.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, and when she awoke in, what she assumed, was the morning, she did not feel well rested at all. Her hut had still gotten cold during the night, and she woke up around the same time the others did. Yun was the first one standing on his feet and to the door as a few of the others sat up with tired groans. Yun opened the door.

The air seemed to be still and quiet and then all the dragons, except Jae-ha were at the door as well, letting out 'aahhs' of amazement. Then, before even Yun had stepped outside, Zeno, Shin-ah and even Kija were plunging outside.

"Wow, you guys really do get a lot of snow." Yun commented, he sounded impressed and yet annoyed at the same time.

"Once the snow hits it keeps coming down until Spring. Usually we have no outside contact until then." Rensa explained as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"How am I supposed to dig my way to the campsite?" He huffed, jamming his fists to his waist.

"You don't. Villagers are assigned to clear pathways from the homes to the road, if there isn't one they haven't gotten this far yet. Besides, it's buried and would be useless. We cook inside." She laughed at his mood. He turned and she gestured to the fire pit set into her floor.

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