Chapter 9

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Rensa's P.O.V.

The sky, so close she could almost touch, was permanently burned into her mind. The colors were so vibrant, the air so cool, Jae-ha's arms so strong and warm, and trustworthy. She wished to see that all the time. Though the ground was where she belonged. They quickly found where their friends were working. They were moving through the trees faster than the other villagers.

"Oh, look who decided to finally join us." Yun greeted sarcastically.

"Where have you two been?" Hak asked nonchalantly, like he didn't really care.

"Jae-ha was showing me how to fly!" Rensa stated, throwing her arm up to point at the sky. She laughed excitedly, it was kind of uncharacteristic of her, but she could not contain the joy she still felt. Yun and Yona stared at her with strange expressions on their faces. "What?"

Jae-ha laughed. "I'm the only one who can fly around here, sorry Rensa."

She felt a little hurt because he was right. But she wouldn't pity herself, and let it kill the joy from their airy excursion. "You're right." She laughed.

"So what were the two of you doing then?" Kija stopped gathering fruit to join the conversation as well.

"Jae-ha took me up into the sky." Rensa explained.

"He did that when he rescued you too." Yona piped in.

"Really?" Rensa didn't remember because she had fallen asleep. That's how comfortable she was with Jae-ha.

Jae-ha laughed self-consciously. "Yes, but you were unconscious."

"Well, I'm glad I got to see what you see with my eyes wide open." She grinned up at the sky. "But we need to focus on The Harvest now." She nudged Jae-ha's side with her elbow. "Will you work with me again?"

"Yes." He replied and took the empty basket from Hak's hands, the man protested but Jae-ha just laughed as he lifted her into his arms once more. He launched them both into the top branches of a pear tree. He set her on a branch and they both got to work. Zeno joined them after a few minutes as the others began working again too.

"Zeno couldn't help but notice how much happier you are, Miss Rensa." He smiled at her.

"Yes, I feel so much happier. Like I have... not quite a purpose... but a reason to work hard." She placed a few fruits into her basket.

"Zeno is glad to hear that." He sighed with contentment. "No doubt it is because of the Green Dragon." His tone turned teasing.

A hot blush warmed Rensa's cheeks against the brisk air. She lightly swatted Zeno's shoulder. "It is not just because of him, it is thanks to all of you that I have become stronger." She declared.

Zeno chuckled.

"Besides, I may have learned to accept help, but because of that I need to learn how to become self-reliant again. Except this time I will be more effective." She leaned up, stretching for more ripe pears.

"Zeno thinks you're a little dramatic." He pointed out, also picking fruit as he spoke.

Rensa stopped. "What?" She was confused. Dramatic?

Zeno laughed. "Yes. Zeno sees that you take things close to the extreme. You hated the village for hating you, and judged people for how they judged you. Now you feel like you know nothing simply because you've learned to like people again." He explained.

Rensa thought about his observations, and ultimately decided that he was right. She didn't necessarily need Jae-ha, she could find a way to build relationships with the villagers once again. But she wanted him to be with her.

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