Chapter 8

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Jae-ha listened without interruption. She watched his expression change from rapt attention to heartbreak and sorrow. There was still no sign of pity, she was thankful for that. "How are you feeling now?"

Rensa was glad he asked, there was so much she was feeling. So much had changed within the three days she had been with him. She was so thankful to him for opening her eyes and convincing her to look up. "Different. I want to live here. I won't let them treat me cruelly anymore. I want to fight." She exclaimed with conviction. As she spoke a warm smile spread onto her face.

He smiled too. "I'm glad to hear that."

"It's thanks to you, Jae-ha." She said, leaning towards him. "Thank you."

He tilted his head and leaned towards her too. "You're welcome."

Rensa stared into his eyes, she felt warm and happy.

The moment was interrupted by the usual banging on the door and walls of her home. She glanced away from him and let out a short laugh. He stood abruptly, ready to march over to the door.

"I guess I should start with this. Will you help me up?" She reached up for Jae-ha, stopping him from walking away. Without hesitation he leaned down and slid his arms around her, pulling her up to her feet. She winced from the soreness of her back and shoulders. He helped her limp over to the door.

Rensa opened it and found two kids right at her doorstep. They gasped and backed away.

"Good morning." She greeted them lightly, with a small smile.

The boys glanced at each other nervously, unsure of what to do. Answer, or run away? Politeness seemed to win out. "Good morning." One of them, with brown hair answered, perhaps a little grudgingly.

"What brings you to my home?" She asked with some humor, teasing them. She knew what they were doing, and they knew that she knew too.

The other boy stepped forward just a single step, just as the rest of his friends ran from around the side and back of the house to rejoin them. They skidded to stops when they saw her standing in the doorway. All four of them were holding large sticks in their hands. "My mother and father say we should treat others from the way that they are. Our family is strong, we are good to the people with strength. You are nothing but a cripple living off the honest work my parents do. That's what mother and father say." He placed his hands on his hips, speaking boldly and honestly.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched Jae-ha glare at the boy. She squeezed his arm to let him know she was not hurt. The boy was not to be blamed for what his parents taught him. But he needed to know the truth from her.

"Do you know how I was crippled?" She asked him.

He flinched like he was expecting her to yell at him. Then he shook his head with a sheepish expression.

She reached down and pulled her skirt up to above her knee, revealing her injury.

All of the boys gasped.

"I got sick and my leg had to be removed. I try to work, but it's hard since I can't walk like you can." She explained. "And when I try, the other villagers don't let me."

One boy who had come around from the side, shook his head. "That's not true. You're lying. Come on guys, she's just a cripple."

"Wait." The boy with brown hair halted their departure. "I don't think she is."

"What?" They all asked in succession.

"You have been working, I've seen you with the visitors."

"Yes. With the help from my friends I am able to help with the Harvest." She smiled at Jae-ha and then down at the boy.

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