Part Five: Chimera

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Back in Central City, the news of Brigadier General Basque Grand's death spread quickly. Colonel Mustang gathered his team to discuss the disturbing turn of events.

"This is a serious problem," Mustang said, his expression grim. "The Iron Blood Alchemist was found dead last night, apparently killed by a man with a distinctive X-shaped scar on his forehead."

(Y/N) exchanged a worried glance with Edward and Alphonse. "What does this mean for us?"

Mustang shook his head. "We don't know yet. But be on your guard. Whoever this Scarred Man is, he's dangerous."

The Elric brothers and (Y/N) arrived in East City to meet with Colonel Mustang. They recounted the events in Reole, detailing Father Cornello's deceit and the fake Philosopher's Stone.

Mustang listened carefully, his eyes narrowing. "A non-alchemist creating a Chimera... it doesn't add up."

Edward nodded, his curiosity piqued. "We were wondering if there's more to chimeric alchemy than we know. Maybe it could help us restore our bodies."

Mustang leaned back in his chair, considering. "There is someone who might be able to help. Shou Tucker, the Sewing-Life Alchemist. He specializes in chimeric alchemy."

Colonel Mustang arranged for the trio to meet Shou Tucker. As they approached his modest home, they were greeted by Tucker himself, a man with a weary but welcoming demeanour.

"Mr. Tucker," Edward began, "we heard you're an expert in chimeric alchemy. We're hoping you can help us with our research."

Tucker's eyes lit up with interest. "Of course. Any friend of Colonel Mustang's is welcome here. Please, come in."

Inside, Tucker's home was filled with books and research materials. As Edward and (Y/N) delved into the texts, Alphonse became acquainted with Tucker's young daughter Nina and their dog Alexander.

While Edward and (Y/N) poured over the bio-alchemical texts, Alphonse played with Nina and Alexander, their laughter filling the house.

"Big brother! Come play with us!" Nina called out, urging Edward to take a break.

Edward smiled, setting aside a particularly dense book. "Alright, just for a bit." As Edward had gotten up out of his chair, he was met with Alexander as his fur piled over him, which had instantly squished him. (Y/N) had let out a chuckle before instantly covering their mouth. "WHY YOU-!!" Edward called out, squirming under Alexander.

Nina's and the boy's laughter echoed through the house as she played with Alphonse and Alexander in the library.

While (Y/N) watched them play, it felt like a rare moment of normalcy in their tumultuous lives. It was a reminder that they were still just kids on the inside, even if they were dogs of the military.  As Nina's laughter passed through the halls of Mr Tucker's home, Tucker spent countless hours in his office, furrowed brow and determined expression betraying the pressure he felt to produce a breakthrough before his upcoming assessment.

As the sun began to set, they reluctantly prepared to leave. "We'll come back tomorrow," Edward promised. "There's still so much to learn." As they left, their escort, 2nd Lt. Jean Havoc, relayed a message from Colonel Mustang to Shou Tucker. "The yearly assessment is coming up, Tucker. The Colonel expects you to have something significant to show." Shou Tucker nodded, understanding what would happen if he had nothing to show.

With a nod, Jean Havoc was off, escorting the boys into their vehicle before leaving.

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