❤️How he shows you affection❤️

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Yusuke generally puts up a tough facade in public cause he wants everyone to see him as the delinquent he somewhat is. But when he's alone with you, Yusuke is very clingy. He loves to snuggle against your chest or hug you when he gets the chance. Yusuke is a huge cuddler, so be prepared for loads of affection when you come home from school. Aww...

Hiehei is not much for that disgusting affection, but since you're just as sweet as his sister, he loves to hang off you like a bat. Sometimes, Hiehei will even accidentally scare you and nuzzle against you gently with his nose. It's a rare side of your emo boyfriend you never see from him, and you love it so much. Cute......

Kurama is pretty neutral when he shows affection. Coming from him, it'll either be flowers or kisses. But occasionally, there's the odd cuddle mixed in between Kurama's affectionate ways. He's such a gentleman that you don't mind.....

Like Yusuke, Kuwabara is generally portrayed as the tough delinquent type in public, or at least that's how he wants to be treated. Alone with you, though, manly Kuwabara is super affectionate and cuddly with you. When Yusuke riles him up too much, you're Kuwabara's go-to destressor to cool down his stressed mind. Honestly, Kuwabara treasures his affectionate moments with you, and he hopes it will stay that way.

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