When you die in their arms

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Yusuke's shocked, but he desperately repeats your name, trying to stay tough so you wouldn't see his eyes watering.The second you slip away from the living world and pass on in his arms, Yusuke is breaking down in tears. All of Team Urameshi look on in silence as their leader holds you close and cries softly in your chest, still begging you to stay with him. Puu cries, too, knowing how much Yusuke really loved you. God, everyone knows Yusuke loved you to the point of constantly putting himself in harms way for you, which is why it makes them sad when they see him crying over your body. Yusuke grips your body tighter and cries more, inwardly berating himself over not saving you.

As soon as Yusuke's done ripping into himself for letting you die like this, he raises his head from your chest and growls,"I swear, Y/N. When I find the clown who did this to you, I will make them pay for their actions. I promise you that!" Yusuke is ready to unleash hell on your killers, whether it be human or demon form, and rest assured, they're going to be in for a huge deadly surprise. Oh good god...

Hiehei is literally yelling at you to live as your eyes start closing, but then, your heartbeat can no longer be heard. Hiehei is so in shock that he doesn't even notice wet drops of water running down his cheeks at first. "What is this?" Hiehei asks suddenly, bringing a hand to touch the mysterious liquid on his face. "Hiehei? Are you crying?" Yusuke asks in shock, staring at him. If that's what humans called it, then yes, Hiehei was crying. But as fast as Hiehei cried, he snapped into full anger mode even faster. Someone's getting a huge kick in the ass tonight...

Kuwabara is begging you to stay with him and not die, but alas, your life signs disappear, and Kuwabara starts weeping. Kurama and Hiehei stand there in respect, knowing that saying anything might hurt Kuwabara even more than heartbreak already has. Even Yusuke, who usually cracks a joke or jeers at Kuwabara to rile him up, is, for the first time, silent and grief-stricken. Kuwabara breaks down hard, clutching you to his chest and berating himself for not saving you. When his crying fit is done, Kuwabara quietly promises you that he will not rest until your killer is found and destroyed for taking you away from him. Kuwabara may be goofy sometimes, but when it comes to the people he loves getting hurt or dying on his watch, Kuwabara does not mess around with getting revenge.

Kurama begs you to stay alive with him as tears threaten to betray his eyes. Once your spirit has left our world, Kurama cries and cradles you to his chest, laying his head on your shoulder. Yusuke and Hiehei kneel down next to Kurama and place their hand on his shoulders, respectively voicing that you're probably at peace now in the world above. Kurama clutches onto you tighter, feeling as though his heart got iced over in his chest. When he sees a shadow of a smirking man in the background, Kurama raises his head from your chest, and his eyes become sharper than blades. The longer he looks at that strange man and senses his dark intentions, a red hot fury he's never felt before is beginning to build in Kurama's chest. His Rose Whip begins to activate, and Kurama swears to himself that once he finds the killer of his beloved Y/N, he will show them no mercy, and his anger knows no bounds. Oh boy, this won't be good.

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