Chapter Three: One of them

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My breaths are slightly out of control when my hand finally touches the door knob. "Yeah, yeah." Reggie says while his back was turned to me. As I panic, I try to dash out of sight but he grabs my arm before I can even move a muscle, pushing me out the door.

"Hey, man. I've been lookin, like forever for you." I say as I mask my anxious expressions. "We should probably get inside." I say as I try and push through him but my force is pulled away when he grabs me by the upper arm and drags me in front of the Longhouse.

"Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is for me to keep arresting my own brother, over and over and over again?" He asks. His tone of voice was already getting on my nerves.

"Maybe you should stop arresting your brother, over and over again?" I say as I'm already annoyed while shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Do you think this is a joke?!" He screams.

"No, I don't." I say as I back up. From how he raised his voice, I knew he wanted to knock some sense into me.

"Is this how you want to leave your mark on the word, uh?" He asks. "You think this would make our parents proud?!" The way he uses our parents as an excuse to make me the good guy again, it ain't going to work. "Misdemeanor, vandalism." He finishes off saying.

"Listen man, there's a lot of scary shit in the world and while I'm out there, actually trying to assert my talent and cause." I try to explain but he rambles on over me.

"You trying to assert your talent? I mean what the hell are you even talking about?!" He asks.

"Why do you always do this Reggie?" I ask. "Why won't you just let me be who I am?"

"No, explain it to me! Tell me what Bio scary shit you're going to save us from?" I couldn't help but feel butthurt by his comments.

"If you would listen to me, I would explain it to you, man!" I reply as I fiddle with my hands.

"Really? Because I don't seem to get it." Reggie says this while pacing around. As he was doing this, I hear something. A loud truck engine, roaring throughout the hills.

"Reggie?" I say as a large black truck rams into some cars, running them over until it eventually tilts and hits the cement ground with a big thud.

"What?!" Reggie yells.

"Truck." I say while pointing towards the vehicle that read D.U.P. on the side. As the fire spreads, I see a couple Conduits wearing orange jumpsuits, running off into the woods.

"I'm going after those two. You stay back, that's an order! That trucks going to blow." Reggie says while running off.

"Stay away from the exploding thing, got it!" I yell back. But, of course I go near it when I hear a man whimpering in pain.

"Help!" He yells. As I slowly but surely make my way towards him. I see he's pinned down by the back door of the truck. I see the word army written in small words on the vehicle along with a big white star. "What the hell is the military doing her?" I ask myself.

As I carefully push the large piece of metal off the guy, he crawls out. "Shit, dude." I say as the man coughs. The smoking flames wasn't doing it for this old guy.

"Thanks man. I thought I was going to die." He thanks me  and bends down to cough some more. D.U.P. was written in big words on his jumpsuit. The guy was also covered in many tattoos and had no hair on his head.

I was thinking of making a joke about how he lost his hair in the fire but, I wasn't going to go that far.

"Hey, you alright?" I hear Reggie yell. "Fuck." Reg whispers. That's when I got punched. "Hey, let him go!" My brother yells. I assume since my brother has cop written all over him, dude didn't want to go back to jail. "Just let him go, and keep your hands where I can see them." He says trying to persuade the guy.

"I don't want to hurt nobody. I just want to get gone before she gets here." The man yells back. His rusted county voice really shown through. I do wonder who he ment by her?

"I said let him go, now! Or I will shoot you!" Reggie yells. The bit of panic I usually feel was now ten times bigger as now Reggie pulls out his gun, aiming it towards the Conduits head.

The man sighs as he aims his arm out towards the truck and sucks the smoke right out from it. My eyes widen, I've never seen these things in person before. As much as I throught it was cool in the back of my head, I was possibly going to get hurt, real bad.

The dark mist leaves the vehicle and swarms the man's arm. The burning flakes land on me as I struggle in his grasp.

"I said, I don't want to hurt anybody!" He yells and aims for Reggie, manipulating some sort of fire ball, and shooting it towards Reg's head. I grab his arm, hopping to save my brother from getting badly hurt. But, I black out as soon as I do so. My body became limp and I feel us both fall to the ground.

I see pictures, visions of some sort that weren't mine at all. A man, cuffs, a manic smile, and a small crying figure crawled into a corner. They all went by too quickly, to the point I couldn't register it all at once.

The sound of things burning filled my ears. The concrete rocks poked at my skin as my eyes finally fluttered open.

"Reg?" I mumble. "What the hell is going on?" I ask myself as I look around. The place surrounding me was filled with fire. "I gotta find Reggie." I say but as I try and walk, I teleport? Fire of some sort engulfed my body. "What the hell was that?! I don't. What the hell." I say as I look down at myself, my clothes and skin perfectly intact.

I teleport more, twice to be exact, till I was at the edge of some clif that was nearby. "Stop it! Stop it!" I yell as I push myself backwards and begin to panic. My anxiety made me shiver even though I was sweating up a storm from the heat that surrounded me. "What is happening to me?!" I yell out, a whimper slipping out of my mouth as I anxiously rub my arms. "Reg? Reg?! I really need you." I call out. As I teleport on the other side of a recently fallen tree, I see him up ahead.

I hear his screams as he is pinned down by a black SUV. His painful cries were heard. As much as I wanted to take that lunatic down, I let him go as I run to by brothers side. Teleporting in the process.

"Reg, you okay?" I ask as I see his leg pinned down. His limb completely covering in his own crimson blood.

"Delsin, what was that?" He asks with wide eyes. His voice trembled with fear as he choked on his own words.

"We gotta get that thing off you." I say as I try to change the subject.

"You just." He mutters.

"I gotta get you out!" I yell as I place my hand on the car, grunting as me and my brother try our best to push. The same thing I saw emerging on the man's arm was forming on mine. The smoke and flakes soon burst as the car tumbles away, falling off the clif ahead and into the ocean with a splash.

As I hyperventilate I fall to the ground. Reggie who was now out of the wreckage rushes to my side and holds me tightly. My hands trembling as I shake uncontrollably. "I can't stop it, man. I can't stop it!" I yell.

"It's okay! It's okay." He says as he holds me. His uniform was a bit burnt from the fire that caged around us. "Just breath, breath."

"I'm one of them. I'm one of them, man." I say with a trembling voice.

"No, no, no. Your my brother. Alright? Your my brother." He says "This thing with you is going to pass. I promise, we will fix it." He says while looking me directly on the eyes. Reassuring me that everything will be alright. "You with me?" He asks while grabbing my face.

"Okay, yeah." I say with a nod.

"There is a Bio-terrorist. We gotta stop him before he gets to the rest of the tribe." He says. "I need you, right now." He asks while lifting me up off the ground.

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