Chapter Six: Seattle, Washington

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As my eyes finally open to the dim lighted room. I jerk up, looking at my surroundings and quickly realizing I'm in the Longhouse. But, it's all hospitalized up. Beds, curtains, and even heart monitors beeping every second.

"The Bio-terrorist threat isn't over." A lady on the TV says as she gets into a slight argument with an ally that sides with us Conduits. Turns out it's the red head. Her name was Augustine. The TV channel read "Seattle, Washington."

I couldn't help but freak out. I didn't know how long I was out and the last thing I saw was poor Betty taking up for me against the D.U.P.

"Betty?" I whisper as I get up from my bed. My bare feet hitting the cold wood flooring underneath me. As I walk through the maze of rooms i see that others are hurt. A shadow casting on a curtain, showing whats on the other side. A man, his leg pinned up with concrete shards. As I walk off I couldn't unsee the dried bloodly patches the tribe has on.

"What the hell happened?" I asked myself.


"Betty?" I see her up ahead. The wall next to her decorated in cards saying; "Get better soon!" And even some flowers that were recently placed on the windowsill nearby. As I quietly walked towards her, her eyes layed closed but she smiled when I sit down.

"Delsin?" She asks. My hand immediately finding hers. Her leg was wrapped up. Blood had formed on the sides and shards poked out from every angle. I could tell she was in pain. "You're awake?" She says as she sends me her sweet old smile.

"So, did Augustine do this to you?" I ask as I give her a guilty look. Her aura made everything better. Even though her beautiful and colorful heritage clothing was replaced with a blue hospital gown. I was just glad she survived.

"Yeah. What did you think I was going to rat you out to that ornery trot?" She says while scoffing. "Besides, at the time it seemed like all the cool kids are getting their legs pierced." She says as she points to the TV. Showing how much pain the D.U.P has already caused.

"So, that means everyone here?" I ask.

"We're Akomish. We take care of our own." She explains. I was glad I was accepted, considering what I now am. "No one here blames you for what happened." She says as her hand finds my face, drawling circles on my cheek.

"Yeah." I scoff.

"Nither should you." She tells me. Her eyes now stern. "Can't be ashamed for what you are. Can't help it. You were born that way."

"All that matters is, I'm one of them now." I say as a tear slides down my face.

"You are not one of them, beady-eyed Bio-terrorist who go around killing people higgledy-piggledy." I couldn't help but snort out a small laugh at her chose of words. "You're a good boy, just happen to have smoke coming out of your fingers." She jokes.

"It's the whole reason why we're in this, is smoke coming out of my fingers." I reply as I move but Betty stops me from doing so. Comforting me as I try and adjust to my new mindset.

"Hey, don't go down that road." She says while rubbing my arm. "If you're going to be such a buzz kill. I'm going to have to go back to sleep. Cause I need my rest. So that I can get better and get on my feet. And now I can rest more knowing you're awake." She explains. Her eyes are already fluttering close as her hand loosens around mine. "You're going to be fine, you'll see."

"I will fix this." I say as I kiss her head.


I go to the front, putting on some black socks from my cupboard and my converse branded shoes as well. My vest that I designed that was placed on a hook was now on my body. My hood being pulled out from the vest and now lays upon my back. As I pose in the mirror I see the design i did. I looked more badass as I rolled up my sleeves to show my tattoos.

"Oh man. Delsin! Damnit. I thought we were going to lose you." Reggie says as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"A little concrete in the legs? It's going to take more then that." I say. As I looked down and my leg was completely fine. I didn't quite realize I was walking on it and it was fully healed. Even though when I pulled my pant leg up I was faced with a couple faded scars, I always thought them to be badass.

"Ah, glad to see "fast healing" seems to be a part of your new uh, thing." Reggie says. "Speaking of which. Uh, the craziness with the hands? Is that gone?" He asks.

"I don't know man. "There's a no smoking rule in the Longhouse." remember?" I reply.

"Right." He mutters.

"And I wouldn't want to get in the way of anyone's recovery." I say.

"Recovery"? Hey Delsin, theses people aren't getting any better, man. They're dying." Reggie reveals. Almost whispering so no one would hear.

"You don't know that!" I yell as I could feel my heart sink. Betty ain't dying man and that means everyone else too.

"No. But, the doctors do. And they said that the only way those shards are coming out is the exact same way they went in." Reggie explains.

"What? But, that was Augustine and her concrete powers." I say. "You know man, screw it. Looks like me and you are going to Seattle. And we are going after her."

"Whoa, whoa, wait. You think you're just going to charm her into coming back here with you?" Reggie asks as he pulls me away as I was inches away from the front door.

"Reggie." I say as I hit the wall. "I gotta fix this, man."

"You were out for a week. I mean damnit, you just got back on your feet." Reggie says.

"I'm taking you're truck." I say blatantly as I head outside.

"Truck? What truck? Oh, my truck." Reggie says and then fully sprints after me. "You're not driving!" He yells.

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