Chapter Four: The Golden Opportunity

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As I take Reggie by the arm, he hugs my side as he limbs towards the fire. The Fish Cannery was busted. Wood was burning and even the metal was melting. Hopefully we aren't too late.

"Just promise me, you won't do any of those tricks." Reggie begged.

"I wouldn't have been able to even get to you back there if I hadn't." I reply.

"I just don't want you to think what happened is a good thing." He says to me as we finally make it to the gate of the fish cannery.

"Sheriff, we can't get in. The button's jammed!" A bystander yells.

"I think Betty's still inside." A woman says as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"The gate is locked, we can't get inside with how hot the metal is." Reggie says as he looks at the red hot gate that was melted shut.

"I think I can run through?" I asked.

"You can do that?" Reggie asks.

"There's only one way to find out." I say as I get ready and run through the door. The bystanders and tribe all stood back in shock. I guess I didn't think this through.

"Delsins a Bio-terrorist?" A man says aloud.

"His one too!" A woman yells as she runs away. They say this as they all run or walk away as if they didn't see anything.

"Wait, he's not! Ugh." My brother yells. "Damnit. When the tribe hears about you. There's gonna be panic." Reggie says as he looks around for a solution.

"Fine. Go. Control the mobs." I say as I see Reggie through the gate, running to the Longhouse to give the people a brief explanation.

"Get Betty. And be careful, you don't know what those freaks are capable of." Reggie says.

"Yeah, those freaks." I say to myself. I can't believe he doesn't trust them. I mean, I get it. But, I'm one of them now.

As I walk around I see the red wearhouse. In big white words it says; "Salmon Bay Cannery Co."

As I look around I see big green double doors. To my luck, was locked. Right next to it was a vent. As I tried to beam through the door, I ended up in the vent. Now up above the roof and down below was a big glass skylight.

I crash through, sharp pieces of glass landing beside me. Blood streaks down my cheek as one cuts me. The stinging pain made me wince. "Vents, good to know." I say.

"Betty we're you?" I holler out. Only to see the only way to her, was a hallway that was blocked by debris.

As I see a chain to my right, I get an idea. "Let's go all Ghostrider." I say as I wrap the surprisingly cold but long metal chain around my wrist.

"I'm back here!" I hear Betty yell. That's when I start whipping the chain around the broken down debris and I soon make my way to the noise.

"Almost there Betty!" I yell as I run into the door up ahead, breaking it open.

"You gotta get out of here lady!" The man says with his hands up in surrender.

"You stay away from me." Betty says as she backs up from the man.

"I'm trying to help you lady." He says as he basically begs for her to leave with his help.

"Delsin." Betty says with relief as soon as I bust into the room.

"I was just trying to create a diversion. I didn't know anyone was here." The man says as she looks towards Betty and me with a slight bit of panic. He was running away but, from who exactly?

"You did this to me!" I yell as I show my arm. Smoke and flakes surrounding it.

"You're a conduit?" He asks. As if he was surprised to see I have the same power as him.

"Delsin?" Betty says as she looks me up and down.

"I will explain this all to you later. Right now, you need to leave." I beg as I look back to the Conduit. Seeing his name displayed on his left peck. Henry.

"Good, I'm gone." He says as he disappears into thin air.

"Not until you fix this first!" I yell as I chase after him. Jumping on his back, making us both fall to the ground with a thud. Fire engulfed our hands as I held him down. Pinning him from above.

That's when it happens again. Everything around me dispates and I fall unconscious.

"I spent most o' my life behind bars. It's easy enough t' busy out. You just have to wait fer that "Golden Opportunity." When I got m' powers, hell. I was unstoppable. Until the D.U.P caught up wi' me. Yeah, they gotta special hole they like t' toss folks like me into. Figured out a way t' bind us up so we couldn't use our powers. But, that also ment they hadda feed us, wash us, even wipe our goddam asses. That's no way for a man t' live. No way. They had this red-headed bitch there. Really inta needles n' scaples. She called what she did t' me "tests". But, if you do enough time. You learn a few tricks jus' gotta be patient. Sooner or later. They'll screw up. They always do. You mebbe see somethin', or ya hear somethin', learn things you weren't supposed to know. So, when that bitch put the three of us in that wagon. I knew what was comin'. A "Golden Opportunity".

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