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Maisie's POV
Earlier that morning
I wake up to the sound of a soft buzzing in my ear and go to swat it away and, instead, hit Stiles square in the face. He lets out a small sound and opens his eyes, that goofy shocked look on his face. "Ow!"

I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh and gesture to the other side of the room where Kinsey lays in Scott's bed and he is asleep on the ground next to her.

"shh, you'll wake them, I can't deal with that this early." I pull myself closer to him, laying on his chest gently. His eyes flutter shut and he mumbles an okay (I think, I couldn't really tell) and I grab my phone from the nightstand, seeing the time: 9:30. I sit up fast and quickly jump to my feet.

"Shit- the tickets, she'll know something's up if I don't get these tickets!" I whisper-yell as I pull on my sweatshirt and my crocs. He gives me a sleepy, confused look but nods anyways. I give him a quick kiss on the lips and put my hand on his cheek before leaving quickly and quietly, running back to our dorm building (I never run, I clearly am not ready for my relationship to be public knowledge yet).


I make it to the room with a minute to spare and hop on the website to get the tickets, successfully managing to do so. I throw my sweatshirt on Kinsey's bed and hear the door start to jiggle and suddenly realize that I grabbed the wrong sweatshirt- that was Stiles' Beacon Hill's lacrosse hoodie! I jump up and go to the bed, throwing the sweatshirt under it and grabbing a few stuffed animals before she manages to come in.

We talk for a few minutes, her clearly too distracted by the thought of Scott to hear the nervous tone and stutter I developed when she stepped foot into the room. Eventually she gets a text and says nothing as she gets dressed but I know who it is and what's about to happen.

Stiles tells me everything, like literally everything, and I like him but the man likes to yap like there's no tomorrow. Scott was finally going to ask Kinsey out today, after much encouragement from Stiles who got encouragement from me. We've all been friends for so long and for as long as I can remember Kinsey has been in love with Scott. After Allison died, she gave up real hope and called it a harmless crush, but since we've gotten to college things have been...different. Hell, I never thought I'd be in a secret relationship with Stiles Stilinski, but here we are and I'm happy and he's happy so..yay?

"I'll uh, be back later, Mais? I still owe you that taco bell tonight." Kinsey interrupts my inner monologue as she's grabbing her phone and keys.

"I'll be here, probably contemplating my application again (dcp application DUH)." She nods and blows me a kiss playfully (which I react in disgust; it's our little thing) as she leaves. If I'd known about the events that took place over the next few weeks, I wish I'd insisted on getting that Taco Bell right at that very moment.

i'm really enjoying myself with this so far so i hope you are too MAISIE AHEM I SEE YOU THERE.

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