The Lava Java Cafe

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Kinsey's POV
I walk up to my friends and I's favorite cafe, Lava Java, and look for Scott. I see the back of us head and walk up to him but stop, seeing a girl sitting across from him, laughing all flirtatiously.

"Oh Scott, you didn't- I don't believe you!" Dottie laughs some more, making eye contact with me and slowly stopping. "Oh..." Scott turns around and looks at me, smiling softly.

"Hey Kins, you know Dottie, from our animal anatomy class?" He gestures at her and I nod curtly. He continues, "I ordered your favorite, green peach tea.." I slowly move closer to the table and sit next to Dottie, not making eye contact with Scott. I feel her eyes on me, her twisted, manipulated smile practically blinding me.

"That's my favorite too, that's why we got two, Scotty!" She giggles again, looking back at Scott. I look at him for maybe half a second and my heart drops- he's giving her his smile. MY smile. the one he's only ever used on me. I clear my throat, more to push the lump in there down than to get their attention.

"So what's um, up, Scott?" I look at him again, holding eye contact although I have no idea how I manage to.

"Well, I wanted to tell you, well, um..." He scratches the back of his neck, suddenly at a loss for words. "We're dating- isn't that right, Scotty?" Dottie finishes his words for him and he nods, looking away from the both of us. "That- yes..."

I stay silent for probably a bit too long but finally plaster a stupid smile on my face. "That's great- wow, I had no idea, that's so great Scott- and Dottie!" Somehow my voice is steady when my mind and my heart are racing. Scott gives me a weak smile as my tea comes, which I swiftly grab and suck down the whole thing (which I never have the stomach to do.)

I put the cup down and look at my phone, standing up quick. "Roommate emergency- there's ants in my dorm, I gotta run before we get evicted or something...Congrats again." I give them both a tight lipped smile before practically running out of there.


I barely make it through the door of our room before I break down, sobbing. Maisie, who was half asleep on her bed, immediately jumps up and hugs me. "Kinsey? Who died?" I sniffle and shake my head, trying to speak but I can't catch my breath. She hugs me tighter despite being extremely confused and worried. We sit there for a while in silence besides my sobs.

slightly short chapter but it made me sad and i think this is enough for this POV at the moment...should we do Scott's POV next or do you want the next chronological chapter? lmk i can't decide-

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