chapter 2 : who are you? 'm'

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Enzo scarfed down his sandwich alone in the giant house. It felt weird without the usual fancy dinner – another fight, probably. He threw his backpack on and headed for his basement music room, his only escape. Here, with the flashing lights and booming music, he could forget everything. He pounded on the drums, letting the noise match the jumble in his head.

Then, a loud BANG! Enzo ripped off his headphones, heart racing. It wasn't thunder, like the fake excuse the staff would give. He tiptoed down the hall, the sound of yelling coming from the living room. There were his parents, not talking nicely anymore. Money, who got him, yucky grown-up stuff. Divorce. It hung in the air, a secret they hadn't bothered to tell him.

Enzo knew the truth. This wasn't just a fight, it was a fight over him. His mom pushing some marriage deal with her friend's daughter, all about "family." His dad, cold as ever, wanting to use him for some business thing. Gross. He wasn't a prize!

Back in his room, Enzo felt sick. He grabbed his phone, needing some peace. An email popped up, from someone with just the letter "M." He clicked it, not sure who it was.

"Your music is awesome," it said. "Real, deep stuff. Keep making it, Enzo. You're good."

A real smile, rare for Enzo, lit up his face. Maybe there was good stuff out there, even with his family mess. Maybe this "M" wasn't just some random person, but a friend, a light in the dark. He closed his eyes, the words warming him. Maybe, just maybe, there was a song waiting to be written, a song about him, not his parents' drama.

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