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The rhythmic drumming of rain on the roof had lulled Mateo into a restless slumber. Ezra, glancing over, saw the tension drain from his face, replaced by a peaceful vulnerability. He knew he should take Mateo home, but frustration gnawed at him. He still didn't have Mateo's address, and the thought of leaving him alone in this downpour was unappealing.

With a sigh, Ezra made a decision. He pulled into a sprawling estate, the wrought-iron gates grinding open with a groan. The driveway stretched out before them, lined with a gleaming collection of luxury cars – a cherry-red Ferrari nestled beside a sleek black Bentley, a silver Aston Martin catching the moonlight filtering through the clouds. It resembled a high-end car showroom rather than a driveway.

The mansion itself loomed at the end, a behemoth of white marble with a sweeping slate roof. Glistening black shutters framed the tall windows, and manicured hedges bordered the path leading to the grand double doors.

Ezra parked the car and hopped out, grabbing a plush throw blanket from the back seat. He hurried around to Mateo's side, gently shaking his shoulder.

"Hey, Mateo," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the rain. "We're here."

Mateo stirred slightly, his eyelids fluttering open for a brief moment. Confusion clouded his gaze before sleep claimed him once more.

Ezra couldn't help but smile. He looked like an angel, his damp hair plastered to his forehead, his lips parted in a soft sigh. With a carefulness that surprised even him, Ezra scooped Mateo into his arms.

The grand entrance hall was a symphony of marble and crystal. A glittering chandelier cast a warm glow over a sweeping staircase with a wrought-iron railing that curved gracefully upwards. The air held a faint scent of lilies, a stark contrast to the dampness clinging to Mateo.

Ezra ascended the stairs, the plush carpet muffling his footsteps. The master bedroom was at the end of the hallway, a sprawling oasis of luxury. A king-sized bed, draped in silk sheets the color of moonlight, dominated the room. A massive window offered a panoramic view of the rain-soaked city, and a sleek gaming setup with a curved monitor occupied one corner.

Mateo stirred again, his brow furrowing as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. He mumbled something incoherent, then snuggled deeper into Ezra's arms.

Unable to resist, Ezra chuckled, the sound soft and intimate. "Don't worry, you're safe here," he murmured, placing Mateo gently on the bed. He slipped off Mateo's shoes, the soft thud barely a whisper in the vast room.

He fluffed the pillows and arranged the blanket, creating a nest of comfort. As he tucked the blanket around Mateo's chin, a soft whimper escaped the boy's lips. It was the most adorable sound Ezra had ever heard.

A warmth bloomed in his chest, a feeling he couldn't quite define. He brushed a stray strand of hair from Mateo's forehead, his fingers lingering for a moment too long. Mateo sighed contentedly, a small smile gracing his lips.

Ezra watched him for a moment longer, mesmerized by the peaceful rhythm of his sleep. He felt an overwhelming urge to stay, to simply sit there and watch Mateo breathe. But logic finally prevailed.

Ezra couldn't tear his gaze away from Mateo. The boy looked like a fallen angel, bathed in the soft glow of the bedside lamp. His chest rose and fell with each gentle breath, his lips curved into a faint, peaceful smile. Every detail – the way his eyelashes fanned against his cheek, the rise and fall of his chest, the vulnerable way he clutched the blanket – filled Ezra with a warmth he hadn't expected.

Suddenly, a discordant sound ripped through the quiet: a sharp "ding" from Mateo's phone nestled on the nightstand. Ezra flinched, his gaze darting from the phone to Mateo's peaceful face. Another "ding" followed, then another, a relentless barrage of notifications pulling him deeper into a battle between curiosity and respect for Mateo's privacy. He yearned to know what was causing the insistent alerts, but the thought of invading Mateo's space made him clench his jaw.

Deciding to give himself some space, Ezra headed for the bathroom, the image of Mateo's sleeping form burned into his memory. He let the hot water wash away the tension of the day, his mind replaying the events that led him here.

Twenty-eight minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom, the steam clinging to his skin. Just as he was about to head back to his room, another "ding" echoed from the nightstand. Curiosity gnawed at him, stronger than his initial hesitation. Mateo's phone was unlocked, no passcode or fingerprint required, a testament to his seemingly naive trust.

The first thing that caught Ezra's eye was the phone's wallpaper – a picture of a younger Ezra, a goofy grin plastered on his face, holding a tiny, fluffy kitten. The smile that bloomed on Ezra's face was genuine and surprised. There, on the screen, was proof that "M," his enigmatic online collaborator, was none other than Mateo.

Another notification popped up, this time an Instagram alert. Ezra tapped it open, his breath catching in his throat. Mateo, or rather "M," had followed an artist with the username "Voltage." A familiar spark of recognition ignited within Ezra. Voltage – his online alias. The pieces were falling into place, forming a connection stronger than either of them could have imagined.

Just then, another message arrived, this one from a contact named "Jung." Ezra's heart hammered in his chest as he opened the message. It was a crude demand for money, threatening to expose a "secret" about Mateo if he didn't pay his rent, which was apparently a month overdue.

The playful mood evaporated, replaced by a pang of concern. He looked at Mateo, his eyes closed in peaceful sleep, unaware of the storm brewing beneath the surface. A wave of protectiveness washed over Ezra, a desire to shield Mateo from whatever darkness lurked in his past.

With a soft sigh, he slipped onto the bed beside Mateo. The warmth of Mateo's body pressed against him sent a shiver down his spine. Hesitantly, Ezra reached out and wrapped his arm around Mateo's waist, pulling him closer.

Mateo stirred slightly, a sleepy murmur escaping his lips. Ezra held his breath, fearing he might wake him. But Mateo only snuggled closer, his face nuzzling into the crook of Ezra's neck.

"I wish this night would never end," Ezra whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He brushed a kiss against Mateo's forehead, the touch sending a jolt through him.

In that moment, lying in the vast expanse of the bed, holding the boy who had unknowingly filled his world with music and mystery, Ezra knew this was just the beginning of something beautiful, unexpected, and deeply romantic

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