Nobody hurts my MATE!

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Cameron ^
Cameron's pov.
We were visiting the dark moons pack as Blake thinks she is here. we were standing outside the alpha robs house when I smelt the most amazing smell in the world! my wolf screamed 'mate!! ' And i knew she was here. i had to find her. the scent was soon gone and my wolf was whimpering but i knew she was here and if i hadn't found her before the ball i would find her then.

My gramma Jason said that we better head to school so we could get started.
Even though we are alphas and everything we still wanted to go to school and complete it.

We walked up to element high where the principle greeted us and told us 3 girls would show us around shortly.
I was automatically thinking the worse such as ' oh great now i get to deal with more sluts!' i cant help it girls love my body!
I soon smelt that amazing smell of my mate from earlier. YAY! MATE! my wolf was having a great time.

Soon opening the door was my extremely gorgeous mate. can i just say wow the way her eyes sparkle in natural light. i growled at her when i had seen a big black bruise covering half her left eye.
" MINE!" i roared and i didnt even know i had done it but i had grabbed her by the waist and sat her on my lap.
She began to shake in fear?
" Its okay ill never ever hurt you my love, ill do the total opposite! ill show you how important you are to me!" i spoke something in that sentence seemed to calm her down and for that i was grateful!

" So tell me princess who did this to you?" i spoke with gritted teeth.
Who ever did this to her is goig to pay. NOBODY and i mean NOBODY hurts my MATE!

She slowly started running her soft and delicate hands up and down my arm trying to calm me down and it worked.
" Who did this to you?" i asked softly.
" I-i-it Was -a-a accident!" she spoke sincerely.
Shes so cute when shes shy
" I dont care if it was an accident or not my love this person still hurt you and I want to hurt him just the same way they hurt you!" i spoke rather calm but i knew if she didn't tell me soon i wouldn't be so calm.
" It was my fault anyway so if you are going to hurt anyone hurt me!" she tried to cover up again!
"Please i wont hurt them ill just make them apologize i promise my love i just hate seeing you in pain!" i spoke.
" My brother " she whispered. if it wasn't for my werewolf hearing i wouldn't of heard her.
"Okay can you show me around now sweetie?" i asked pecking her check.
She blushed awww shes so adorable.
I looked around and noticed the others had left.
Yay more alone time with my mate......
She had just finished showing me around when the bell rang. Soon a large amount of students where going everywhere. It must be lunch.. I grabbed Chloe's hand and we were on our way to the canteen.

We were waiting in line and she was explaining all different foods available.
Once we got our foods I saw my beta and gramma and told them to meet me at my table.
There was just me and Chloe at the table and I really liked spending time with her.
I'm going to have to take her back to my pack so she can become my Luna.
I'm extremely worried about how she is going to take it.
We both sat down at a empty table. For lunch I had a chicken wrap while Chloe got a salad.
I like it better when she is in my arms so I pulled her onto my lap. She yelped in surprise.
" WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER!!!" Yelled someone I've never seen before. I knew it was directed at me by all the stares I was getting.
"Sh*t." Whispers the angelic voice of my mate.
I decided to see how far I can test him. This should be fun!
" she's sitting on my lap what does it look like?" I responded
" Chloe get off this di*k head and come with me... NOW!"
" what If she doesn't want to go with you?" I asked.
"How about we ask her?" He suggests.
I turn to Chloe and she's starting to shake.
I place my fingers under her chin and pull her face up.
" what do you want to do princess.... It's all up to you. I won't be mad I promise but he hasn't picked up I'm your mate yet love." I told her.
" I want to be with you!" She told me.
Those words the self make my heart flatter and I love that she wants to spend time with me.
" did you hear that? She wants to stay with me!" I told him.
He just scowled and walked away.

my over possessive alpha mate!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu