A night to remeber

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Chloes pov.
Wow did I really just do that?! I chose my mate over my brother!
Ohhh he is not going to be happy!
Well I guess it wasn't really his choice to make.
Cameron has been so amazing hes so nice and sweet too me.....

its going to break me when he rejects me soon.... ive never been good enough for anyone in my whole life and soon cameron will realise that im not good enough for him and that there are better people this world that he deserves.

" i-i-i-ill be back in a minute..." i whispered in his ear and attempted to get off his lap but was then brought back into his arms...

" where are you going kitten???" he whispered softley into my ear

" i need t-t-t-to use the bathroom" i said.

"ill come with you." he offered.

" no its o-o-o-okay you stay here and eat you lunch ill only be a minute."

"only if your sure kitten "

" im sure "

he let me go and i walked to the bathroom i was walking past a row of lokers and was soon slammed into them by the queen bee of the school..... macy

" listen here bitch you need to stay away from cameron you stupid whore because he is mine and will always be mine do you hear me ?" she yelled.

" yes..." i spoke

she then started abusing me.

punching, kicking , pulling.

" no one will ever want you, your worthless i dont know why you dont just kill yourself!"

i then heard a loud growl from down the hall and within a flash macy had been thrown of of me and onto the ground.

i looked over to see who had saved me and to my shock it was cameron...

he came for me!!!

i bet now he is going to reject me though because im usless and i didnt protect myself.

he came running over to me and i flinshed away ready for the hit.

"kitten open your eyes." he spoke

so i slowly did and he bent down to my level because im so short and looked me in the eye and said...

" i would never hurt you and if i ever did it wouldnt of been on purpose i promise kitten"

he then wrapped his muscular arms around me and asked me if i was okay and i just nodded and we walked back to the canteen.

we were at our table and i was back on his lap cuddled up to him.

i turned and faced him.

"Cameron?" i asked

"yes kitten?" he replied.

"why did you come after me ?" i asked.

" why wouldnt i? my wolf could sence that there was something wrong from the minute you left and i had waited 5 minutes and you still hadn't returned I was really worried about you and it seemed I had very right to be.... how long has this been going on for kitten?" he spoke

" A while now. i have one more question for you?"

" Ill make sure i have a word to her after... sure kitten anything you want" he smiled

" Why do you care about me im nothing im fat, ugly, useless, waste of space i mean no one has ever really cared about me exept for my brother and parents so y do you care Cameron?? do you even care? why havnt you just rejected me already i mean i wouldn't blame you" i asked

" Are you kidding me Chloe!! you ware not any of those things you are perfect just the way you are your not fat if anything your under weight you can see aloud of your bones .of course i care kitten your my everything i would do anything for you just to make you happy. reject you are you kidding anyone who rejected you is a complete douche bag for it and made the worse mistake of there life. I would never reject you!" he spoke..

Those words really made my heat flutter he really does care!! hes not going to reject me!!! im so happy right now!
I reached up to hug him but quickly moved my arms back down in pain.

" What's wrong?! where are you hurt?!" he asked

"Im fine"

"No your not!!! we need to take you home and to your pack doctor sweet heart"

" No !!!!! anything but that!!!!"

If he takes me there he will she my body all my ugly cut and scars. From Macy !

" Are you sure ??!" he asked

" Yes im sure !"

We had then decided to skip the rest of the classes as i couldn't concern trait we made it back to my house and i had invited him inside.

" So you never told me.... what pack are you from and what title are you??" i asked

Cameron's pov

Oh god i knew this question was going to soon be asked
I mean how i she going to react ??? will she reject me?? guess there is only one way to find out!!

" Im alpha of the midnight blue pack...."

my over possessive alpha mate!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu