🎮/💛💔 Taking What's Not Yours (2/2)

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Chapter 2: I Still Have Your Book

Diamond City was a bustling, lively place at this time of day. The sun was a bright yellow which danced in the sky, shining the cityfolk below doing their daily routines and mid-morning lunch. 

Though many were awake at this time, a few slept in, relishing in that sweet slow relaxation and laziness of a Sunday morning. One of these few was a tall, black-haired person, her hair messy and tangled from all the times she turned and tossed in her sleep.

Their sleeping position was less than ideal, her arms and legs all over the place as the singular purple blanket had been discarded like it was a child's play toy they didn't want to use anymore. Either that or it was just too warm. Her room was also a mess from what it looked like, a bunch of crisp packets with some still inside and empty energy drink cans were scattered all over the place, which they said wasn't messy but 'a strategically placed chaos which worked perfectly for a gamer like them'.

Or that's just what she told herself to keep herself asleep at night

Apart from the occasional snoring, they seemed quite peaceful, angelic even to some. Then a loud, obnoxious voice ruined her peace as someone yelled from downstairs that it was breakfast.

They groaned, hating the fact the walls were so thin in this house, but did as she was told, getting up from their wonderful slumber and stretching their achy muscles that spent all night yesterday cooped up working on the latest project of hers. She was nearly finished with it last night but a certain large man decided that they needed their rest. They knew when to take a break. Ugh! He acted as if he was her dad sometimes (though she wouldn't admit it, she greatly enjoyed it).

The first thing on their list of getting ready for the day was going to the bathroom, which didn't take long as they only needed to wash their face and brush her extremely tangled hair.

The next thing was getting an outfit out and as it was a Sunday, she had work off today luckily (which they forced her employer to put in, much to his annoyance). She searched through her piles of probably dirty clothes until she found something that was half decent: a black t-shirt with the text "Sorry, I only date people who know the entire lore of FNAF" and purple cargo trousers with yellow stars ironed on that she was given as a gift from one of their co-workers on her last birthday (which she lied about having). Many of her co-workers were actually surprisingly nice, which was weird as they were working for a kind-of corrupt video game company that paid like trash. But there again, a lot of them were friends of Wario and were only doing it because of that fact (and also nearly half of them were children).

Now all that was missing were their iconic headphones... that she couldn't find.

They sighed deeply as they searched everywhere for them. This was a common occurrence due to the fact their room was so messy all the time and she had an extremely poor memory of remembering where they placed things. She was on her tenth pair this week and Wario was getting annoyed about how much of "his" money was being used on brand-new expensive headphones every month. He hadn't even paid her yet this week so he should be grateful they haven't mentioned it yet. He also was so hypocritical in saying that to them when on most days he just spent his time being lazy and doing nothing.

After what felt like hours, she finally noticed a pair of headphones in the deepest cracks of her wardrobe and grabbed them, not noticing anything odd about them.

Finally, they thought to themselves, now Wario would shut up about them being unresp-

The headphones were of a wireless variety and a light green colour. It had white circles on either ear cup, a hand-painted green pear inside these circles, still in perfect condition. The cushions on either ear cup were also white...

She silently placed the headphones back into the wardrobe, not commenting or thinking about them. They'll just ask Wario for some new ones, he won't mind.

Closing the wooden doors of the wardrobe, she casually walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where she found a plate of well-cooked bacon, 2 eggs and baked beans as well as a glass of orange juice.

She softly smiled to herself, knowing full well that they were broke but ignoring that for now to relish in the fact that they didn't have to worry. That would be tomorrow's job (or never) and all they focused on now was watching TV while eating breakfast next to her best friend.

Her only ever best friend. There was no one before him. Ever.

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