Chapter 62

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"Freya, do not tell me what I can and can't do! My wife is with psychopaths and I need to go! I don't care if Klaus is there" I shout angrily. I notice some flowers on the side starting to die.

"Kol..." I hear from the doorway, I put down the phone and turn to see Klaus with my wife's body in his arms. My whole body runs cold and I run to him taking her.

"Amelia! No no no! She's not gone. She's not" I say feeling my world crumbling around me. I fall to the floor holding her body.

"Kol, she's not dead. They injected her with something, she won't wake up. I've tried everything" Klaus says, trying to keep his distance. I brush her hair out of her face, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Davina! Davina!" I shout. I hear footsteps behind me coming down the stairs.

"Amelia!" Davina rushes to my side, she takes Amelia's hands.

"Dad?" I hear behind me and my heart breaks even more. I turn slightly to see the kids at the bottom of the stairs.

"I have to go, I'm sorry. Kol I will make this right" Klaus says and speeds away.

"Kol, the kids" Davina says and I take a deep breath picking Amelia up and placing her on the couch as Davina does some spells. Willow and Aiden stand at the bottom of the stairs tears in their eyes.

"It's okay, Mum she's not dead. We will wake her up" I tell them and pull them into my arms. I can't break, for them I need to keep myself sane.

"Kol, she's trapped in her mind whatever they did has put her into a deep sleep, someone's going to have to go in and get her out. Because if she stays any longer she'll die" Davina says and I pull away from the kids looking at her. "Kol you're her soulmate. I think you need to go in, but I can't do this alone"

"We will do it, we can syphon from you three" Aiden says and looks to Willow. I look at Davina and she nods.

"The minute there's any trouble you three get out okay" I tell them.

Amelia POV

My eyes flutter open as I take in the surroundings, my childhood bedroom. I hear a knocking sound and walk down the stairs of my old home. I freeze seeing my father at the door with police officers. What the hell is going on? This is the night my mother was found dead... Oh my for Hayley and Hope. What have they done to me? I snap out of it as the door closes and my father sees me standing on the stairs. He glares at me and I know what's coming.

"Dad please...don't do this!" I shout and turn to run up the stairs. My father grabs my hair and throws me back down them, standing over me and kicking me over and over.

"You did this! You killed your mother!" He screams over and over. I scream loudly and there's a white flash and I'm thrown into a kitchen, I can hear screams of pain. I stand and see Kol burning. I'm in Elena's kitchen the night they killed Kol and I. I try to run to him but I'm stuck to the ground.

"Kol!" I shout. He walks over to me as he's burning.

"This was all your fault! You killed me!" He shouts grabbing my arms and I feel them burning before the white light flashes again and I'm in my room in New Orleans. I feel a pressure in my stomach and scream in pain. Then a baby's cry, I focus my vision and see Freya and Rebekah in her witch body holding a baby each.

"They'd be better without you" Freya says, turning to me. I shake my head in disbelief.

"You'll just get them killed too" Rebekah says as they turn and walk out of the room with the twins. I cry over and over as the white light flashes again. Images of everyone I love dying over and over. I fall to the floor in a puddle of water. I hug my knees rocking trying to stop the voices when I feel a hand on my arm. I flinch and fall back trying to get away.

"No! No more! No more please stop! Stop!" I beg screaming and crying.

"Amelia! Amelia, open your eyes! It's me I'm here" Kol says putting both of his hands on my shoulders. I open my eyes slowly and see Kol kneeling in front of me looking worse for wear. "I'm here baby"

"Kol...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do all of this, I just wanted to help our family" I say. He shakes his head.

"You did nothing wrong baby, but now I need you to come back to us. You need to come back with me" He says and I nod slowly. He helps me up off the floor and as I stand I grab him kissing him as the ground shakes and the light flashes around us.

I gasp, choking up the air in my lungs sitting straight up, I look around frantically to see that I'm home. The kids stood back with Davina. I start crying uncontrollably remembering everything.

"I'm here darling, I've got you" Kol says pulling me into his chest. My whole body is weak. Willow and Aiden come to the side of me.

"We've got you mum" Willow says as they join in the hug and I relax slightly.

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