Chapter 5

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"We still have the problem that all of you are linked. What if Esther tries something with Finn?" I ask. Rebekah shrugs.
"There's not much we can do until we find them" Klaus says.
"Okay so where would they go?" I ask. Klaus shrugs and sits back. "Why are you so relaxed? Do you not care that they're could be more white oak out there!"
"We know that Amelia, but we have no clue where it could be," Rebekah says. My phone starts to ring as I walk out the room.
"Hey Care, what's up?" I ask.
"Amelia Mrs Lockwood said you called and said you couldn't make it today. You promised me you'd go cause I'm not there" She says. I sigh and rub my forehead.
"Care, you really think a new vampire can cope around that many people" I say tiredly. "It's a little low on my priorities right now"
"You'll be fine. Take a break from your original vampire boyfriend and go help" She says hanging up the phone. I grab my car keys and bag from the side.
"Well Caroline has a list of jobs for me a mile long so I'm going to have to do that and try to learn control at the same time" I say to Rebekah and Klaus. Kol went to get more blood bags this morning from a different city.
"I'll come with you" Becks says following me. I sigh and get in the car. "Okay why are you so stressed? I know it's more then the white oak and the linking spell"
"The other night after my transition Kol said he was falling in love with me. I didn't know what to say to him. We're not even official. I've known him for a week, Becks. This is scary" I say pulling out of the driveway. She smiles at me. "What?"
"Nothing, it's just nice to see that although you're a new vampire. You're worried about Kol" She says. I shake my head and smile.
"Is that really human of me?" I ask.
"It's not a bad thing Ames," She says. I nod as we pull up to Wickery Bridge. I get out and lock the car.
"Oh for god's sake" I see Rebekah looking at Damon with a redhead.
"Who's that?" I ask. She smirks.
"Finns stalker Ex girlfriend" She says walking over to them. I roll my eyes but follow her.
"Look what the cat dragged in" Rebekah says as we reach them both.
"Easy there, Rebekah. You know, she used to beat men for sport" Damon says. I notice he gives me a small smile and I return it.
"She always was quite common," Rebekah says. "Rebekah. What a happy surprise" The woman says. "And I see you compelled yourself a friend?" She looks me up and down.
"Amelia and no she didn't compel me" I say, smirking at her.
"What are you doing here, Sage?" Rebekah asks, crossing her arms.
"Well, I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in" Sage says.
"Oh, Finn. You just missed him. He left town and didn't tell us where he was going" Rebekah says.
"Oh. He probably went looking for me" Sage says. I can tell she really loves him but Finn clearly didn't feel the same.
"Or, quite possibly, he forgot all about you" Rebekah says. Sage turns to look at me again.
"I doubt that," She says smiling.
"Oh? Because he didn't seem to mention you. Sorry you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life" Rebekah says walking away. I smile at Damon and follow her.
"Hey Amelia, Wait up," Damon says. I turn around to him and smile.
"What's up Damon?" I ask.
"I was just wondering how you're coping with everything," He says.
"Kol's been helping as much as he can, this is kinda my first temptation" I say looking around. I suddenly become more aware of everyone around me.
"Do you think it's best you're here?" He asks. I nod and turn back to him.
"I'm okay, I just need to focus. I promised Caroline I'd help" I say smiling at him.
"If you need anything, then I'm here" He says, I hug him.
"Thank you Damon" I say.
"I'm sorry Amelia" He says into my shoulder.
"I'm not going to say it's okay but thank you" I reply walking back to find Rebekah. I find her talking to Mayor Lockwood.
"Amelia I'm so glad you could make it" She says smiling at me.
"I promised Caroline and My Mother would have wanted me to be here" I say smiling.
"Of course, your father is just over there helping with lifting" She says smiling. My heart drops.
"He's here?" I ask.
"Of course, he signed up last year" She says smiling. "Excuse me I just need to check on the sign" I feel my heart beating faster.
"Amelia, he can't hurt you," Rebekah says. I shake my head.
"I need to get out of here," I say. I give Rebekah my keys and walk away from her to the woods. Thankfully no one is around. I take a deep breath and lean against the tree until I hear a twig snap.
"Amelia?" The voice calls out. I grit my teeth and turn around slowly. I come face to face with my dad. "Mayor Lockwood said you were under the weather and not coming"
"Well I got better" I say quietly. He looks me up and down.
"You've gotten taller," He says smiling.
"Don't" I manage to get out. I'm trying to control the rage I feel for him. "Don't try to act like my father"
"Amelia, I'm sorry. I was so upset when your mother died" He says trying to walk towards me. I step back and glare at him. He stops.
"You beat me for a week straight. I had 5 broken ribs and scars all over my body" I say angrily.
"Amelia I'm sorry" He says.
"Sorry! You're sorry! You nearly killed me!" I shout at him. He steps back slightly. "You're not my father!"
"I am your father whether you like it or not!" He screams back. "You're coming home! I don't want you with them people anymore"
"I'm not with them anymore!" I shout back. He walks forward quickly and slaps me around the face. I put a hand on my cheek and looked up at him with hate. I use my strength and pin him against a nearby tree. My eyes focus on his neck and I can see the vein prominently. I turn and look into his eyes. "You're going to be quiet and not move or scream" He stops struggling and I bite into his neck hard. The blood tastes so sweet on my tongue. I feel a hand rip me away from him. Two arms grab my shoulders to stop me running back. I try to fight back but stop when I realise it's Kol.
"Amelia stop! I know what he's done to you but if you kill him you won't forgive yourself" He says. I nod slowly and he lets go walking over to my dad. He feeds him his blood.  "You're going to leave this town and never come back. You'll forget everything that happened today and never come back for your daughter" Before Kol lets him go he punches him in the face. "Now leave" My dad limps out of the woods and Kol turns back to me.
"What did I do?" I ask. Tears start streaming down my face.
"Hey hey shhh it's okay Angel, let's get you back home" He says taking my hand. We run back to the Mansion as Rebekah has my car. Klaus' eyes widen when he sees the blood down my face.
"Go upstairs Amelia, I'll be up in a second" Kol says kissing my forehead. I nod and walk away from them both. I go into Kol's bathroom and turn the shower on. I take off the bloodied clothes and step under the shower. The water runs off me, I get out wrapping a towel around myself and going into the room. Kol is sat on the bed.
"How did you know where I was?" I ask.
"Rebekah called me," He says. "Amelia, I know you feel bad but he was hardly innocent and you didn't kill him"
"I could have" I say sadly. He gets up and pulls me into
his chest.
"He's gone now. I won't ever let him hurt you again" He says stroking my wet hair. His phone starts to ring.
"It's okay, it's probably important," I say, smiling at him. He leaves the room and I start to get ready. The lights start to flicker around me. "Kol.." I stand up and the lights flicker faster. The bulbs in the room smash and I cover my face. I look up as the glass stops flying. The door slams shut and I spin around to the mirror. My eyes are a bright blue. I hear Kol and Klaus trying to open the door. I take a deep breath and fall to the floor in exhaustion. The door opens and they both run in seeing me on my knees.
"Amelia? What happened?" Kol asks, sitting down next to me. He takes my hands.
"I did this. What is happening to me?" I ask. Klaus pushes Kol out of the way and kneels in front of me.
"Amelia I need you to focus right now. What was your mother's name?" He asks.
"Emily Clarke" I answered. "She was a Parker before she married my dad"
"Did your mother ever tell you about her being a witch?" He says.
"You don't think..." Kol says.
"She was a Gemini. She couldn't do magic unless she siphons off of something with magic. A vampire is a magical being. Amelia you can siphon from your vampire side" He says.
"So what does that make me?" I ask, Kol is looking at me with worry.
"A hybrid. Just a different kind. Half Witch, Half Vampire" He says.
"If people find out what she is..." Kol says to Klaus.
"No one will hurt her" Klaus replies. "But we keep this between us until she learns to control it" Kol nods and Klaus leaves the room. I stand up and Kol pulls me into him.
"I knew you were far from normal Amelia Clarke" he says. I kiss him softly. He pulls away smiling.
"Kol I heard what you said the other night and I think I'm falling in love with you as well" I say. He smiles widely and kisses me.
"I suppose that means you'll be my girlfriend then?" He asks. I smile and nod kissing him again. "Rebekah found the last of the white oak and burned it"
"Good because I'm not letting you get killed. I'll do whatever it takes to protect us and this family" I say. He smiles.
"Then we better get practicing," He says, kissing me on the forehead.

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