Chapter 1: That Place

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The White Room is an educational facility, dedicated to creating 'the perfect being'.

It sounds fictional, doesn't it?

It's not however.

I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, was born and raised inside of that place.

From the very moment I was born, all I could see was the barren, empty white ceiling. All I could hear was the cooing of the other babies. All I felt was the cool breeze of that air conditioned room.

When I made the discovery of my fingers, they were the only thing that entertained me. I licked, sucked, and stared at my tiny fingers for hours on end.

For about one year, I, along with the other babies of this place, were checked up on by doctors. Health was no problem.

After one year had passed, the Fourth Generation of the White Room began.

At the start, it mirrored a pre-school. We learned how to walk, eat, follow orders... However, we weren't taught proper communication.

The first time the other students and I recognized communication as an actual language was during our first test.

We couldn't properly speak, but we could understand what was ordered of us.

The Gummy Bear Test, is as it sounds, a test revolving around gummy bears. An instructor was placed in front of us, and we played a guessing game. I won't bore you with the finer details, so in summary: The instructor hides a gummy in one of his hands, and you're to guess which hand holds the prize.

That was the first time I had ever lost something.

(I just don't want to write allat)

I can remember my first friend as if it was yesterday.

Her name is Sakayanagi Arisu. Her father is a close friend of my father's, and was granted permission to take his daughter and himself to that place.

(Young Arisu POV)

My father and I were walking along the halls of this new facility I've never heard of until now. It's apparently an advanced education program, which aspires to make the perfect being.

How pathetic.

I wouldn't need to attend such a place.

An artificial genius built up from zero? Impossible!

The sound of my cane hitting the ground, my tiny footsteps, and my fathers, were the only sounds being produced in this sad place.

I wonder what the kids are like.

I wonder what kind of education they receive.

I wonder how many have failed.

My father and I eventually arrive at the seemingly only colored place of this white interior. It was just a red mat with thick, golden outlines...

I tilt my head down, taking a look at the children through the viewing window.

In that sterile room, 24 children, along with 24 adults, were sitting in front of each other with a chessboard in between them. I took notice, everything is white. The uniforms, walls, gloves, tables, all of it. They don't call it the "White Room" for no reason huh?

If they're gonna call it the "White Room", why not paint yourselves white, and get rid of this tacky carpet...?

My eyes dart from table to table, yet linger on one specific boy with brown hair and hazel colored eyes with gold fleeks.

He's overwhelming his opponent. I don't fully understand chess, but I know enough to recognize the brown-haired boys dominance.

The lady he's up against seems stressed, and confused. She must be a chess champion. To care about such a thing is... trivial, to say the least.

But something about that boy...

Just who is that boy?

The Smarties In Love
Chapter 1, Complete.


TSIL Fact: I originally wanted to drop this after 4 chapters back in January. Since it garnered attention and support, I decided to continue!

Yo, I've done it! First rewritten chapter!  Whoohoo!!!

Well, do you like it? I hope you do. I originally planned to have this chapter as one big one, but seeing as it IS the restart, and I'd hope lots of you are returning/old readers, I would split it in two.

Hopefully that doesn't anger you, plus the shortness of it...

But that's all from me, I hope you all have an amazing day!

- Author

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