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'Certain choices.. have consequences.'


That was all I heard on the bus.

Some demons were just sitting, some standing and throwing things around, and some just shouting. Dude, it's literally 8 in the morning. Do ya'll mind?.. Anyways, I couldn't nap in this noise. The bus was pulling up to the school anyway. I sighed and grabbed my bookbag, sliding to the edge of the seat. I waited till everybody was off the bus before I walked off.

I saw Boombox and some other blue demon sitting on the stairs, guessing their waiting for their friend who's possibly on another bus. Boombox spotted me and waved. The demon next to him looked at me as he did so.

I waved back and went up the stairs, "Wait!- [Y/N]-" I slowly looked at him. "Do you want to wait with me for my other friends?" He asked. It sounded fun, but I wanted to get my schedule before the bell rings. I shrugged, "Sorry, but I got to get my schedule.. maybe tomorrow?.." I considered. He nodded, but his smile seemed to flatten a bit. "Yeah, I understand! See ya." He said before talking to the other demon, who seemed to give me a nasty look.

I gulped nervously before quickly turning around and walking up the stairs into the fancy school, and holy shit..

There were so many demons.. Some were chilling near one of the stairs, a lot walking around, and some holding throwing things at others like in the bus. This school was pretty huge and looked like you could get lost easily in- "HELLO!"

I let out a surprised yelp before looking at the person next to who quickly grabbed my hands and shook them quickly. "Hello! I'm Shuriken, I'm guessing you're the new student!" Shuriken gave me a big ol' smile.. I gave him a shaky one in return.

"I'm going to show you around this big place! First, let's go get your schedule!" He happily said before dragging me off and into the semi-crowd of demons. There was a lot of, 'Sorry!-' 'Excuse us-' and 'Watch it!' 'Whatever.'.

So rude.

We both made it to the principals office, and the hallway was so clear.. like if you even make a single noise, you'll get executed. "So this is, Phuria High. The best school here! The deities rule this academic place. They rarely show up, though.. unless there's demons fighting.."  Shuriken said before opening the double doors. An assistant walked past, stopping and looking at the two demons. She took out a paper from her clipboard and handed it to me. "[Y/N] [L/N]. That's your schedule. No, we won't print you a new one if you lose it." She sounds like a bitch.

Shuriken gave her a dirty look, his eyebrow twitching. I looked at the schedule and back up the lady. "Thanks.." She rolled her eyes and waved us off. "Your welcome, now scram." As soon she said that, Shuriken grabbed wrist and dragged me out the office. "She's such a bitch!" He said as he dragged me away once again.
I turned around saw the door opening, before i could figure out who the demon was, I blinked and they disappeared.


"And that's the tour! I'll see you in P.E [N/N]!" Shuriken said before he walked away, I waved and walked into my first class... Math.. yayyyy-

I walked inside and it was pretty quiet, some whispers here and there but it was quiet. The teacher was sitting at his desk, I wanted to ask him my seat but he looked pretty annoyed already.. so I'll just pick whatever seems free. I sat down at the fourth seat next to window, I looked outside and sun was shining. I laid my head down on the desk, a little nap wouldn't hurt.. I closed my eyes and listened to the whispers.

It was pretty relaxing, better than the bus to be honest.

As soon as I dozed off a voice brought me back to reality. "Excuse me." I looked up at the demon interrupting my sleep. He wore a black and blue helmet and wore the black uniform. I quickly shot up and grabbed my bag next to me. "I'm so so so sorry! I didn't mean to sit in you seat- I'm new here and I don't know where i-" "I get it, there's a seat that's free over there." He said, pointing at the seat in the back.

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