Will You Marry Me

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Michael POV

Tonight I have a surprise for prince which is why I told him to dress up and look nice which he always do seven years came by so fast

Prince POV

Michael told me he has a surprise for me tonight so I have to look my best I'm curious to know what the surprise is

Michael was really excited about everything he has planned this for a whole month and tonight was finally the night he was going to ask prince to marry him he was nervous on the inside

Michael And Prince were heading out Michael had a lot of planned for them today and prince was excited about the whole thing he couldn't wait to see what Michael has for them

After a good few hours Michael covered prince eyes with a blindfold and bought him to the location

Michael POV

I put a blindfold on prince so he won't see where we are going I was excited

Prince POV

Prince put a blindfold on him I wonder where we are going suddenly the car stop

Michael: ok come on grab my hand

So prince got out the car and they came up a hill

Michael: we are going up a hill I got you

So once they were up a hill that's when Michael told prince to take off his blindfold

Prince: Michael this is beautiful

Michael: I know but this is the first surprise so let's sit down

Prince: ok

So they sat down and it was a beautiful view from where they were sitting

Michael: I want you to open this it's the first gift

Prince: ok ....why all the gifts and surprises

Michael: just doing something special I know you haven't had it in a long time

Prince: ok

So he opened the gift and it was a necklace with their first initial

Prince: this is beautiful

Michael: I know ....but let's eat now

Prince: ok

So they ate it was so many yummy foods to eat on Michael was a excellent cook

Michael: ok are you ready for the next surprise

Prince: ok

Michael: I'll be back to over there and read the letter

Prince: ok

So Michael left and prince came to read the letter

So he came up to the next location to see some flowers laid out for Michael

Prince: Michael's so sweet these are beautiful .....oh another note

Now on to the final chapter of this journey walk up the hill and make a right you are up for  big surprise ahead

So prince walked up the hill and saw Michael standing there

Prince: Michael what is this

Michael: your last surprise

Prince: ok what is it

Suddenly Michael got down on one knee and the tears were about to come

Prince: Michael what are you doing(crying)

Michael: what I wanted to ask you for awhile and this is the last surprise

Prince: oh my god(heavy tears)

Michael: I love spending time with you I can't imagine my life without you I promise I always make you laugh to always be there for you when you need me and to never take you granted our love story is favorite I want to continue forever life with you makes sense you're my best friend from the moment I met you I knew my adventure had just begun you make me happier than I have ever been over the years we have a love story that will go down in history generations to generations you are my heart my life my one and only thought I want to be the reason behind your smile because you are the reason behind mine everyday with you is a wonderful addition to my life's journey for all times my hand finds your it's where it's meant to be my heart is always and forever yours ...so will you marry me

Prince: yes(face filled with tears)

Michael gave him the biggest hug he was crying his eyes out

Prince: can I say something

Michael: yes

Prince: thank you for loving me and showing me what real love is about

Michael: you're welcome ....did you have any idea this was going to happen

Prince: no but it was a beautiful surprise

Michael: ahh stop crying it's ok(wipes his tears)

Prince: I can't help it this meant a lot to me

Michael: I know ....but come on I'll take you home

Prince: ok

A few days have passed by since Michael proposed to prince and he hasn't stop touching his hand since then

Prince POV

I haven't stop touching my hand since Michael ask me to marry him this is so real and I'm so happy

Everyone was still congratulated prince on the engagement and he felt the love from everyone around him

They will start planning their wedding soon and it was going to be worth it

Prince was excited and couldn't wait to start planning their dream wedding he couldn't wait to call Michael his husband

A few days came by prince was touring around the world and he'll be back home next week to help plan out the wedding with Michael

Michael knew it took team work to plan a wedding so he waited on prince to come back it wouldn't be fair to have him miss out on planning their special day soon

Prince couldn't wait to start planning it was on his mind throughout the whole tour

A Week Later

Prince POV

I am back home now we were planning our wedding I couldn't even sit still for force minutes I never thought I would get married but here we are planning our wedding

Michael POV

Prince couldn't sit still he was excited about planning the wedding which I understand of course this is new for the both of us

Michael: April 20th will be fine are you ok with that prince

Prince: yes

So they wrote everything down to make sure everything will be special with the wedding

Next chapter is coming

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