You Make Me Nervous

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Michael POV

I can't believe I just told prince that he didn't say nothing for 30 seconds

Prince POV

I can't believe what I just heard I didn't say anything I was processing it until I said something

Prince: I make you nervous

Michael: yes

Prince: how

Michael: I ...well I don't know

Prince just stared at him then he got the hint on why he makes him nervous

Prince: why do I make you nervous(came close to him)

Michael: you just do(starting sweating a little bit)

Prince thought that was so cute he got very nervous

Michael: uh ...I should go bye

He rushed out the door and prince couldn't do nothing but laugh

A Few days have flown by prince hasn't seen Michael in a week

Prince POV

I came to see Michael haven't seen him in a week

Michael POV

I was reading a newspaper until it was a knock on the door when I opened the door it was prince oh god

Michael: hey

Prince: hey

Michael: what's up

Prince: I haven't heard or seen you in a week just wanted to see if you're ok

Michael: yes I'm ok thanks for checking....uh you can come in

He thought Michael would never ask him to come in

Michael: sorry I haven't been calling you

Prince: it's fine

Michael got so nervous once again but he had to play it off

Prince: so is there a reason why you haven't been calling me

Michael: no there's no reason

Prince: are you sure(got close to him)

Michael: yes

Prince: mmmm ok

Michael: would like some water or juice

Prince: juice is fine

Michael: ok(rushed to the kitchen)

Prince got up and came to the kitchen he knew Michael got nervous again

Michael poured him some juice when he turned around prince scared him

Michael: don't do that(heart racing)

Prince: sorry

Michael: it's ok you go

They touched hands when prince grabbed the glass Michael face turned red

Prince: thanks

Michael: you're welcome ....uh what do you want to do

Prince: anything you want to do(he could feel the sexual tension)

Michael: ummm ....i don't know that city that well yet

Prince: maybe I can show you around then

Michael: that would be nice

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