Please Help Me

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Michael POV

I Can't Believe this happened to me so I ran home and cried my eyes out suddenly the door opened it was prince he got concerned

Prince POV

Michael didn't answer the phone so I came to his house to see him

Prince: Oh my god babe what happened

Michael: nothing I wasn't watching where I was going

Prince: you ok

Michael: yes

Prince: why are you crying

Michael: cause I'm in pain after that fall

Prince: ok well let's run you a bath so you can relax

Michael: ok you go ahead and run it I'm going to find some clothes

So prince did that for him Michael didn't know if he should tell him what happened he was to scared to say anything

Two Days Later

Michael POV

I knocked on prince door crying my eyes out heavy soon as prince opened the door I balled my eyes out and he caught me

Prince POV

There was a knock on the door so I came to answer it once I did it was Michael he was crying so hard that I had to catch him

Prince: baby what's wrong

Michael couldn't even speak he steady cried his eyes out

Prince: Michael what happened tell me(saw a bruise on him)

Michael: I got jumped on

Prince: what why would anyone do that

Michael: it's not just anyone

Prince: then who

Michael: I should've told you the last time you asked me

Prince: Michael tell me ....its ok

Michael: look at the bruises on me

Prince couldn't believe the bruises on Michael then suddenly he noticed his shirt was ripped

Prince: why is your shirt ripped

Michael: the person tried to rape me so I had to defend myself


MICHAEL: I couldn't

Prince got the hint and told Michael to relax to tell him who did this

Michael: your ex did this

Prince froze for a moment on what Michael just told him and wanted to make sure he heard that correctly

Prince: what did you say

Michael: I said your ex did this to me(crying)

Prince: Are you fucking kidding right now

Michael: no I'm not

It made prince blood boil to hear this why would his do this...that's when prince grabbed his coat

Michael: where are you going

Prince: to find him

Michael: no please don't

Prince: he can't get away with this

Michael: prince you don't understand

Prince: understand what Michael he put his hands on you

Michael: if he finds out I told him he's going to kill me

Prince e just stared at Michael and he knew prince was about to be pissed

Michael: please don't go stay here with me I don't want to be alone tonight

Prince: Michael

Michael: please(crying)

Prince: hey it's ok stop crying

Prince gave him a hug he couldn't believe his ex did this to Michael

Prince wanted to ask why his ex did him like this but he didn't want Michael to think about the situation right now

Prince: come on let's get you to bed and I'll make you some tea

Michael: ok

So prince brought him to bed and laid down prince went to make him some tea

Michael had no clear what prince was thinking at this moment his ex had a thing coming

Prince POV

Michael fell asleep after crying his eyes out so I left the house I left Michael a note to tell him I'll be back going for a walk

Prince left out the house and came to where his ex was out prince was pissed

Prince knocked on his ex door and a friend of his answered the door he couldn't believe his eyes ....suddenly prince asked for his ex

When the ex saw prince he was so happy to see him he thought prince was coming back to him but instead prince punched him in the face and started beating his ass a whole fight broke out but his ex couldn't keep up with prince he knew prince was pissed

Michael POV

I woke up and didn't feel prince so I seen a note he left for me I waited for him

Prince: You touch Michael again and it'll be your grace you asshole(kicked him)

The ex was too weak to even move and everyone in that room didn't move a muscle they were scared out of their minds they called off everything for their safety

Prince came to clear his mind for a bit and Michael waited for him


Prince POV

I came home to check on Michael he was up waiting on me

Michael POV

I was getting worried that's when I heard a door open

Prince: I'm ok everything is fine

Michael: where were you

Prince: I lost track of time I had to clear my mind from what you told me

Michael: ok

Prince: well it's late so let's go to bed

Michael: ok

So prince came to shower and laid down next to Michael it was 12 midnight

Prince ex got the worst assehopping of his life and he knew prince wasn't playing either his mind he thought prince came back to be with him but it was the total opposite of what he was thinking ....prince was happy and in a good head space with Michael he wasn't going to let anyone mess that up

Michael began having nightmares prince wrapped his arms around Michael to calm him down and Michael felt very safe in his arms he felt a sense of protection so he slept in prince arms

After a few hours Michael woke up to use the bathroom and wash his face he still couldn't believe that happened he didn't do anything to no one but he knew prince had his back

Prince was deep asleep so Michael came back to bed and stared at prince for a moment before falling back to sleep

Prince knew that Michael was going to be ok as long as he has him by his side

Next chapter is coming

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