Purple Rain

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Michael POV

Prince movie came out last night and I went to go watch it in Los Angeles so now I am back home he's coming to see me he wanted to talk to me about something I wonder what it is

Prince POV

I came to talk to Michael so I am now pulling up to his house

Michael: hey prince come in

Prince: thanks

Michael: you're welcome ....so what's up

Prince: do you think that .....I'm a mean person

Michael: why would you think that

Prince: I don't know

Michael: prince is that an ....insecurity you have thinking your mean

Prince: yes

Michael: I don't think your mean that's just who you are

Prince: you don't get though ....i don't want to be mean but I can't get my guard up

Michael: I understand prince but you have to understand everyone not here to judge you(rubbed his face)

Prince heart melted when he said that and he knew Michael meant it with every word

Michael: you can't think like that that's just who you are and let's people know that you're not to be messed with it's normal

Prince: thanks I really needed to hear that

Michael: your welcome ....bow give me a hug to cheer you up

Prince rolled his eyes and gave Michael a hug he was really thankful for him

Michael: you know you can tell me anything

Prince: yes I'm starting to see and know that now

Michael: come on

Prince: where are we going

Michael: it's a surprise it might help you clear your mind

Prince: ok

Michael: your driving though

Prince: if it s a surprise then why am I driving

Michael: I don't know but come on let's go

So they got on Prince motorcycle and came to the location that Michael wanted to bring him

Michael: come on it's up here

So they came to the top of the mountain and Michael sat down

Him and prince sat down just to take in the view around them prince mind became at ease

Michael: you feel better now

Prince: yes thank you

Michael: your welcome

Michael bought a blanket and spread it out then he laid back ....suddenly prince laid on him

Prince: we should do this more often

Michael: yes we should

So they stayed there for a few more minutes before they got up to go and get lunch

So they came to get some food and just had a great conversation with one another

A Day Later

Michael POV

Prince always comes over he's so used to seeing and being around me now it's cute but I understand why he does it but he do give me space when I need it

Prince POV

I love to cuddle with Michael he's always so warm and soft also smells really good I'll never get bored of this

Suddenly prince got a phone call and rushed to the hospital Michael told him to go he understands

So prince came to the hospital it was his father and his mother was laying next to him the nurse came in and said that he was fine

Michael was worried for prince he's lost a lot of people in his life he didn't want to lose no one else he was close with

An hour later

Michael POV

I woke up from a nap to see who was knocking at the door it was prince

Prince POV

I came to Michael place for the night so I knocked on the door and waited

Michael: everything ok

Prince: yes it was just my dad

Michael: ok

Prince: can I stay here tonight

Michael: yes you can I'm going back to my nap

Prince: ok thanks

Michael: your welcome

So he came back to his nap while prince changed into something comfortable for the rest of the evening he was glade to know that his father was ok

Even though things weren't good at home at the moment he still loved both of his parents he didn't want to go home tonight it just brought back to many memories that he wants to forget

Prince: goodnight

Michael: goodnight try and get some sleep

Prince: ok

So he ended up falling asleep soon after he was so happy to have someone support like Michael he understood what it was like when it comes down to family


Prince POV

I had to use the bathroom so I came to do that and stared into the mirror I have a complicated life and no one knows the pain I go through but I don't let it bring me down

So he washed his hands and came back to bed to lay down Michael was in a deep sleep

Michael POV

I was in a deep sleep it felt good to get some rest after working a whole week but I knew I had to get up and use the bathroom though

So he got up as well and came to use the bathroom so he can come back to bed

It took prince a few moments to go back to sleep he had some things on his mind but he had to clear his mind in order to go back to sleep ....after a good 2 minutes he closed his eyes and went straight to sleep for the rest of the night

Michael And Prince were both asleep and very comfortable as the air hit their bodies as they sleep the night away

Michael knew there was something bothering prince he just didn't want to say or pressure him into saying anything he tell him when is ready right now he just will let prince figure it out until he's ready

After a few days they were relaxing and resting up before your starts they will be going on tour at the same time so it was important for them to get their rest in

Prince has already packed up some of his stuff for tour and he was ready to perform and seee the fans so was Michael as well

Next chapter is coming

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