Diamonds And Pearls

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Prince POV

it's been six months since me and Michael got married it has been wonderful we got married April 20th 1991 this year

Michael POV

It's been six months since me and prince got me we got married this year in 1991 April 20th it was the best day of prince life and mine as well we are one now

Prince made it back to the house to see Michael cleaning up the house

Michael: I didn't hear you walk in

Prince: I know I just made it in

Michael: ok well dinner is already ready so you can go and relax

Prince: ok

Prince took his clothes off and put it in the laundry basket that Michael had in his hands and came to shower

Next Day

Prince POV

I had a good friend over we haven't seen each other in awhile since my relationship to Michael but it's good time


Haven't seen prince in awhile feels nice to see him again

They chatted for a bit and prince saw something on the counter

?:don't drink that

Prince: what is it

?: I have to be honest with you

Prince: about what

?: don't be mad when I tell you it's when you and Michael got together

Prince: what did you do

?: this right here is a honey pack remember when you felt horny that day

Prince: yes

?: well it was this ....i put it in your drink I knew it was going to make you horny

Prince stared at him for a moment when he said just to take in

Prince: so that's why I was horny


Prince: then why do you have it

?:well I'm in a relationship now and we want to take it to the next step

Prince: oh well congratulations

?: your not mad

Prince: no I could've easily gotten it on my own

?:yes but it makes you do things you never thought you could do

Prince: well come to think of it it did

?: ok

Prince: let me see

?:there's no way I am giving you this

Prince: I'm not going to use it on me ....I'm going to use it on Michael

?:oh well you should've said something I have a whole box in my car if you want a few

Prince: no I just one pack

?:: ok well here you go do you think he's going to react

Prince: I have a hunch on how

He got the hint and just left it to prince he knew things were about to go down

Prince: I bought you a drink

Michael: thanks

So prince waited for it to kick in after a good 30 seconds it did

Michael POV

I suddenly felt very horny what is going on I feel a sensation going on

Prince POV

I knew it was kicking in I was just waiting this should be fun I was doing something until I felt Michael grabbing my butt it's go time

Suddenly Michael grabbed prince butt and he turned around to face

Prince: you ok

Michael: yes I feel weird

Prince: what you mean

Michael: I don't know I just feel a sensation right now

Prince: like you're horny

Michael: yes

Prince: ok ...what you want me to do

Michael: fix it

Prince: ok ....come on then

He lead him upstairs and they got started all you heard was prince moaning

A few hours later

Prince POV

I woke up and saw that it was 10pm at night so I came to shower so I can go back sleep

Michael showered two hours ago and went back to sleep

After prince showered and brushed his teeth then he came back to bed to cuddle next to a sleeping Michael who smelt really good ...Prince love cuddling after having sex

Next Morning

Prince POV

I woke up and didn't feel Michael it's morning already so I turned over and it's 9:30 in the morning

Michael POV

I knew prince was up and looking for me he always cuddles me when he wakes up

Prince put his clothes on after he finished showering and came downstairs to see Michael in the kitchen

Michael: morning prince

Prince: morning

Michael: breakfast is ready

Prince: ok thank you

Michael: your welcome

So they sat down and ate breakfast together prince was so happy with Michael these past few years have been amazing to him and being with Michael brought so much light into his heart and life

Michael and prince decided to come out together it was always fun going out together plus prince wanted to buy Michael a wedding gift since they are married now

Prince POV

I came into this store to buy Michael something since we are married now I wanted to buy him something very special that I knew would mean a lot to him so I began looking around

He began looking around until something caught his eye so he got it and came to the cash register to pay for it and asked if they can wrap it up which they did of course

Michael met up with prince and they came back home prince was excited to give Michael his gift since they couldn't do it on their honeymoon

Prince: I have a gift for you

Michael: you didn't have to give me anything

Prince: I know but I wanted to since I couldn't on our honeymoon

He opened the gift and his heart exploded it was so beautiful

Michael: thank you ....i should've bought you something

Prince: it's fine you didn't have to give me anything

Michael: are you sure

Prince: yes Michael I'm sure don't feel bad about it

Michael: ok but I love it

Prince: I knew you would I know after all

Michael: yes I know you do

They both laughed cause they knew each other so well the years they have been together it was pure joy

So they spend the rest of the day hanging with friends and talking about the good old days

Next chapter is coming

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