Chapter 5

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The weekend was busy for Kim's his father told both boys to stay at home, he literally threaten them to have dinner. Both had no option no matter how much anger Yoongi had yet  he loved his father.

The guests arrived at seven their father welcomed them. They were sitting in lounge when both walked in "here Mr and Mrs Park meet my sons, Min Yoongi or Kim Yoongi and Kim Taehyung this brat loved his mother more than me so he took her surname" they both bowed "and meet the young man, who really impressed me my little Park Jimin" Jimin was already sweating under his clothes he met two pair of cold eyes he bowed in response.

"Jimin you can call them hyung" Mr Kim told him. Both boys took seat on either side of Jimin on dinning table the oak table was enough for 12 people to sit and eat. Food was served but Jimin was far away from eating. When someone touches his thighs he looked to left Yoongi was busy in eating with left hand his hand was too close for his comfort. Tae just smirked holding his right thigh. Jimin abruptly stood, "I need to use rest room" he excused Tae took responsibility to show him bathroom. He took him upstairs in room he went inside quickly he sat on toilet seat, rubbing his face he splashed water.

"You didn't change bit, hmmm?" Tae asked "what do you mean?" Jimin questioned "what I mean is you are still weak, pathetic and cry baby" Tae said. Jimin looked at his feet he was engulfing his space "Tae, please I need to go" he sqeueled "you know hyung was right about you, I should never had friend like you you are good for nothing" he left with that.

Jimin came back "hey Jimin, Yoongi told us that you were Tae's best friend in school" Mr Kim said "yes, Mr Kim we had some aquitance" he told "no no you should call me uncle, not Mr Kim" he laughed. "I have to say Helen you really brought up your son to your set mark, we used to talk in college that your next generation will be perfect" he told that Jimin's mother was his junior in college she was topper and excellent in every thing. Later she married Mr Park and he their contact lost after college as Mr Kim joined military later politics.

They had evening tea when Yoongi suggested to show Jimin his state of the art music laboratory. "ah, Jimin you should see Yoongi and Taehyung has passion for music unlike me, their mother had great love for art" Yoongi told him to follow that Jimin did hesitantly

"this is my life, where I can breath but there was time when I destroyed this place because I was forced to leave my heaven because an idiot stole my peace" he looked at Jimin who was standing by the door to run if anything goes wrong. Yoongi slowly went to him and pulled him inside locking door behind "Mr Min, our parents are sitting down please don't beat me" he begged "and who said I am going to beat you Minnie?" He asked.

"so where was I, yeah because my enemy, my childhood enemy made my video that I am bastard son of minister of defense it caused great commotion in Parliament and I even went in hand to hand combat with many to prove I am not bastard, people laughed at me, my father was disgraced until my great maternal grandfather owner of largest weaponry in country threw the documents in the face of media and government that he adopted me after my mother as she was only child of Min's, my father sent me to Europe to learn weapon technology for five years. I ruined this place in agony that night because of idiot child like you, you took my precious five years Park Jimin from my brother, who loved to spent time with me he was forced to join military school and I had to do learn filthy business to understand underworld with my worst enemy" he grabbed his chin to look at him in his eyes.

"I am sorry, I was child I had no idea what does it mean please I am sorry, forgive me" Jimin said "tsk, Jimin you have everything loving mother, a father who was there for you all the time, you have great life a home complete home, but you took us away from my mom and appa's memories" Yoongi said "I pledged to destroy you, your smile,your life I will take everything from you specially your family" he told him Jimin trembled. He pushed him in sofa looking at him intensively. He took his phone and called "hey, dad! Jimin want to learn some instruments from me please tell Mr Park that I'll drop him after sometime" Jimin wants to speak but he was choked by Yoongi "ok thanks".

Jimin screamed "no no mama , papa take me with you" he yelled while Yoongi just smirked he tried to unlock the door that has passcode. He begged Yoongi who remain indifferent "this room is sound proof, idiot can't you see" Yoongi mocked him.

"Come here" he told him like children Jimin shook in "no". "Come or you have to face the consequences jiminah" he walked slowly towards him "on your knees" Yoongi told him Jimin did. "Now repeat after me, I am bastard, I am slut, I am cheap, I am asshole, I am born whore" Yoongi raised his eye brows in encouragement "no no please" Yoongi went to his side table and took out small leather paddle he grabbed Jimin and took his shirt and pants off, leaving him in boxers his milky white , unblemished skin revealed Yoongi took deep breath Jimin was sobbing mess.

"If you repeat ten times I'll let you wear your clothes, if you fail then one strike for one mistake trust me I don't like to see this blabbered body of yours for long it's an eye sore and I am not good man trust me"

Yoongi smirked. Jimin didn't replied، he screamed he was hit by Yoongi on his back "I told you I am bad boy". Jimin repeated ten times with three mistakes leaving marks on his back and chest. "Now wear your clothes" Yoongi told him. He did what he was told his dad beaten him once but his parents never resorted to corporal punishment. It was humiliating he was naked and exposed to the devil. " Now leave  stupid" he told him Jimin never had to told twice he made run once the door was unlocked. He bumped in Taehyung who dragged him back "hyung what you did to him" Tae asked "he, he.... " Jimin hiccuped "hyung without me" tae complained Jimin was dumbfounded "tae I didn't fucked him I just taught him some lesson, and trust me you would not sleep in night if you had seen his ugly body you would have nightmares, his sags huge it almost made me puke" Yoongi said.

Jimin ran in humiliation "Hyung do you think it is right, I know you suffered due to him but he looked broken" tae asked "Tae are you having soft spot for him, I mean if you want him to have in your bed then I don't mind" Yoongi suggested "come on hyung he is not my type" Tae left. Jimin walked fir two hours until he reached his home, his parents were already in their separate rooms, he went to his room applied some ointment and tried to sleep between cries.

He did nothing intentionally he had nothing he just started his life for first time his father actually accepted him as his son, his mother's hard work on him is paying off. He want to keep his sanity he had enough torture from his parents. He had no idea that his mother is about to win the bet, she worked hard to win the bet with his father, who is already infuriated at his lost.

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