Chapter-8 the perfect Pawn

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"I Initially want to negotiate this with You but I have changed my mind, for You, there's No hope, I will go back to my original plan to You expel You"

I turned around and started walking above the stairs, I was feeling steps away when suddenly, I felt A pull on the hem of my uniform.


"Stop! Don't go, not again! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!   I shouldn't have done that, I am really sorry, I am really sorry! I would do anything, Please stop"

Horikita was crying

The ice queen who barely shows any emotion, brawly her eyes in front of me.


"Anything huh"

I seized her by the collar, pressing her firmly against the unforgiving wall. Locking eyes with her tear-filled gaze, I felt a numbness spread through me, ignoring the dull ache of my wounds. My sole obsession lies in obtaining the perfect pawn.

Initially, my intent was to dismantle, only to rebuild anew.

"Wait, what are you doing?" her voice trembled.

"Allow me to pose a question, Horikita. Do you truly comprehend the inner workings of this institution?" Perhaps my desires are propelled by both the allure of reward and manipulation

Her response faltered, "H-huh."

"In this realm, Class A, B, C, D - representatives of each academic year. Diverse personalities and talents reside within each class, akin to any typical school environment. Does this revelation resonate with you?"

She questioned, "That's... correct. What do you mean by this, Tatsuya?"

"In this realm lies an elite high school, a bastion of excellence in Japan. A sanctum boasting a flawless employment record. Luxurious dormitories grace our existence free of charge. Boundless wealth is bestowed upon us without expectations. Not a single utility bill burdens us. Admission into these hallowed halls signifies a gateway to prosperity. Such is the belief held by the denizens of our class."

"What are you talking about?" Horikita asked, probably confused.

"Have you not wondered why the school appears lenient in hindsight? Why do they fail to act against this ignorant bunch? Why shower us with such freedom?"

Silence hung heavy in the air.

"Do you wish to know?"

After observing both her and the protagonist, one thing became glaringly evident - Horikita would never uncover the truth behind the S-system. To add complexity to the situation, I contemplated the entire setup. On one hand, I aimed to acquire a valuable pawn, but simultaneously, I found myself being rewarded by the very system I sought to manipulate.

Before I could delve into explanations, time seemed to halt around me, freezing everything in its place, leaving me as the lone entity unaffected by this temporal standstill.


[ It's intriguing to witness how the host's impact has significantly influenced the storyline, particularly through their deep exploration of Horikita's character at a faster pace than the protagonist. This dynamic not only adds depth to the narrative but also underscores the host's unique perspective and ability to uncover hidden layers within the story's characters. Their keen insights and swift understanding of Horikita's character development bring a fresh and compelling dimension to the unfolding plot, showcasing the host's remarkable influence and engagement with the storyline]

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