Chapter-4 bribing Yuu

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Tatsuya's POV...

"Hey, shut up, I am looking for it."

A sudden, loud voice broke the serenity of the convenience store.

"Come on, hurry up, You have a line of people waiting on You!" An impatient customer yelled.

Seeing this, I decided to check.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Huh? Who are You?"

"I am Tatsuya Mizuki, we're from the same class."

"It sounded like there is some trouble here," another person joined, Yuu Tsukiko.

"Yeah, I forgot my student ID card, I forgot that it pretty much acts like our money."

"I can pay for You if You want," Yuu asked.

"Thank You...ahhh."

"Yuu Tsukiko, You can call me Yuu," Tatsuya observed and immediately saw through Yuu, Yuu actually joined this because of Tatsuya.

"My name is Sudo Ken," he said, "thank You for the help, both of You."

"It was nothing," Yuu raised his hand for a handshake.

Yuu shook hands with both of us. We got out of the convenience store and sat on a nearby bench.

"Are You really going to eat here?" I asked out of curiosity. This store is a heaven for me, for someone whose family values health over taste.

This store and school are a heaven for him. Even the cup noodles, which is something normal for almost everyone, Tatsuya has only had it 10 or 20 times in his whole life until now.

"Of course. It's just common sense," Sudo replied to me with his matter of fact.

"I see," I replied. The fact that people eat outside was something new. Never once have I thought normal people do that, especially in an area like this.

Well, what can I say, I was born into a rich and noble family with a nurturing education to be more precise. While I do get reincarnated, my looks and past everything is the same as the previous me.

And if You are wondering how rich and noble my family is, my family is far more rich and nobler than the Koenji family.

This is enough for you to understand how noble it would be.

"Hey, You guys first year? This is our spot."

Three upperclassmen approached us with smirks on their faces. *Sigh* They didn't even hide their phone, which was in their pocket and in the way they are recording this.

I pretended like I was typing something on the phone, but in reality, I just opened the camera and started recording things. After that, I put my phone in the corner of my pocket so they wouldn't be able to see it.

"Who are you? Get lost, I was already here," Sudo barked.

The three laughed in Sudo's face. They shot up, slamming his cup noodles against the ground, splashing noodles everywhere.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Sudo roared.

"First-year punk, huh? You trying to make fun of me, huh?" One of them was aggressive. Perfect!

"You're awfully mouthy. We have already put our bags here, see?" With those words, the upperclassmen put their bag on the bench.

"You've got a lot of guts, a**hole," Sudo glared at them.

"Oh, wow, so scary. Wait! What class are you in? No, wait I know, you are in Class-D, aren't you?" Wow, my theory was right. Another clue for my theory.

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