22. Ball Pt. 2

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Her gaze widens. "Beware of the three sisters. Hope to see you soon, Josephine."

Third Person Pov

My arms cloak around my partner, until my soft gaze is accommodated by the thousands of branches combining around the residence. What the hell?!

• Josephine

"Shall we dance?", Adonis asks, holding onto my gloved hand. "It'll be my pleasure."

"If you blow in my ear, I'll follow you anywhere."

"Oh, will you, now?", I ask curiously, my eyes dancing in amusement, a smile appears on my lips. "Well then, how could I decline such an offer?"

I leaned forward, my breath to his ear, so close I could feel the warmth of his body on my skin.

"Well, then.", he said. "It seems—I'm yours. Now that you have me, where are you going to lead me?"

A chuckle falls from my lips. "Into temptation."

A thundering laughter escapes Adonis mouth. "You're ridiculous."

My arms wrap around his neck, and his around my waist. We danced for a while in silence, turning and looping over the smooth hardwood floor, while other dancers drifted around us, lost in their own worlds. "Am I distracting you?"

"If I say you were."

"Two truths and a lie.", I say, with a smile. "If you like."

"Very well.", He drew close, until my body lightly touched his. We danced cheek to cheek for an endless moment, lost in the steady, sensual rhythm. "Okay.", I said, my breath towards his ear. "Number one. I'm afraid. Number two. I want to be friends. Number three. I have feelings for you."

"Two is the lie."

"Wrong— one is the lie, I'm never afraid, not anymore."

"So you desire compassion ship when you see me?", Adonis asks, tilting my hair towards my chin. "Not quite."

"Im bewildered. What is it you desire?"

"Follow me.", I say, grasping his hand, as we make our way to the garden terrace, my legs lay on the bleachers, my warm lips reach his neck, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine, as my hands played in his hair. A soft moan escaped me, as he gave in.

He travelled down my neck, kissing my arms, stomach, and to my legs. A smile spread across my lips, as he pulled up my dress, he kisses my thighs, and moves inward. His eyes meet mine with a smirk, he plays with it, then places two fingers, causing a moan to leave my mouth. Oh my God!


Loud Alarm, The ballroom is under attack, no one can escape.

• Josephine

I fix my dress, and grab Adonis' hand, as we make our way out the garden. "This is our secret, right?"

"Of course— Friends?"


We arrive to the ballroom. "Is that leaves?"

I place my hand on the doorknob, but nothing budges. "Are we locked out—"

What the hell?

"Or are they locked in?"

My eyes spread across the door, and find the vines embedded into the doors. Vines. "Plant manipulation!"

"My sisters!", Adonis says. "You must locate them! I'll sojourn here— keep guard."

Adonis nods, and teleports away. "Josephine!"

My head turns to my guidance consular. Is she serious? I roll my eyes, seeking a way out. "I know you and Adonis."

"Yeah, we're having fun!", I say with a smirk. "You're not stable enough for a relationship, you know this."

"I'm 18, I just want to have fun."

"Don't you recall what you disclosed to me?"

"Not really.", I say sarcastically. "How you feel with people put an insane amount of pressure on you?"

"But, I wasn't discussing Adonis."

"I'm just trying to help—"

"Well I don't require your help. Look, I'm not trying to be a bitch, but I'm only seeing you because the academy mandated it to me. And I truly don't want to talk outside of a session. Now, if you'll excuse me? I must locate Adonis."

My legs stride away, making my way to the garden. My sights meet Adonis' red shirt, but as I attempt to greet him. Abruptly, a tree grasps my arms. Vines cloak around my body. Shit!

"Josephine! So nice to see you again.", Serena says. Thalia and Wyn gradually walk behind her, with a mischievous grin. "Your magic is detained. But Adonis is here."

"Say hi!", Wyn replies, with a smile. "You don't know what you're up against."

"But we do.", Thalia says. "I'll give you 30 seconds to let me go."

Serena chuckles. "Confidence. I see why adore her, brother."

My friends were right. They're fucking crazy!!

I was right.

My gaze meets Adonis, as my magic creates a powerful electric field, electrocuting the trees bound around Adonis and I. Lightning! My lightning defense overtakes, distracting the three sisters, as the branch's around us decline. Adonis super-speeds towards me, as we teleport.

"Where are we?", Adonis asks, as I attempt to cloak, and utilize my power of teleportation. Nothing!

"Your magic shut down"


To Be Continued...

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