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It was a sunny morning in the city of Musutafu. The sun was already up in the sky, giving off its radiant, life-giving light to the citizens of the city. The people who resided in the city, both young and old, were already up, being on the streets of the place and minding their own business and doing their usual routines, such as going to their workplaces or going to their schools to learn something new. Our young Cambion was no exception. In the streets of Musutafu, the son of the Radio Demon, Izuku Midoriya, was foundable, wearing his school uniform and keeping his yellow-colored backpack on his back and holding his medium-sized, bluish bag in his right hand, getting larger and larger distance between him and the train station with each step he took and walking in the direction of his hero high school, the hero school he desired to learn in for a very long time. But despite this, he was not in a good mood. In fact, he was quite down in the dumpster, acquiring flattened ears and tail and observing the ground with sadness in his eyes, making his shadowy companion, who accompanied him on his journey as usual, witness him with a worried expression, being concerned for his master's mental health and mood.

He was still gloomy from what happened between him and Angel. He didn't want to make him that sad. He knew that it wasn't his fault Fat Nuggets and Keekee got inside his backpack unintentionally the previous day, but he still felt responsible for upsetting him that much due to not noticing the two pets of the Hazbin Hotel in time, thus possibly preventing the whole situation from occurring. He wished to tell him that he didn't intend to make him that worried and desired to sort things out with him, hoping to explain to him that he didn't bring the hellish pig and one-eyed feline with himself to the mortal realm because he thought it was funny. But judging by how angry he was at him, it seemed to our protagonist that this option was unlikely, resulting in him not being sure how to make up for this mistake of his.

And this was just the tip of the iceberg. In his gloominess, the revelation of the next Extermination being brought forward to the half of the year played a part as well. Those Exorcists, those monsters who almost killed him and his best imp friend nearly ten years ago and traumatized him and caused him to experience nightmares were about to return way sooner than usual, thus putting him and more importantly, his demonic family members, friends, and teacher in danger. Of course, when they found out this, his father attempted to calm him down, saying that they would solve the issue by him not needing to come down to Hell to visit him when the Annual Cleansing would happen and advising him to go home after Izuku explained how he got injured to Charlie, wishing him to rest due to his the injury he sustained during the hero exercise. But despite this, our young Overlord couldn't get this out of his head, causing him to think that there was no other way his day could be worse.

As he thought about this and continued to approach the top hero academy of his country with Shadow by his side, when suddenly, his auditory organs picked up the sound of multiple people speaking nearby him, resulting in him raising his head from the ground and making both him and his shadowy friend set their eyes on the source of the speaking, wishing to know what it was exactly.

And when he performed this act, he saw a rather surprising and unusual phenomenon. In front of the main gate of U. A. High, a large group of people were standing, being packed like sardines and some of them holding cameras on their shoulders and photo cameras and notebooks in their hands, all of them focusing their attention on one single person, who Izuku didn't see due to the mass of people standing around him, making our young Cambion to assume that all the people in that gathering were reporters.

This didn't surprise our dear hero. Ever since it was announced that All Might, the Symbol of Peace and the Number One hero of Japan would begin teaching at U. A., the media descended down on the school and caused a commotion, never leaving and wishing to speak with All Might directly to interview him. Even still, it was a bit scary and strange for Izuku to see that many people gathered at the front gate of his hero high school, mainly being a bit anxious due to thinking that if they noticed him, they would swarm him like piranhas and they would ask multiple questions from him, thus making his anxiety skyrocket.

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