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Disclaimer: There's a very important announcement regarding the Christmas Special and the story of the fanfic! Please read it after you finish reading this chapter! Now, with this out of the way, let us begin, shall we?

It was a normal, peaceful morning in the realm of suffering if we could call it peaceful by any means. The sinners and demons of the capital of Hell were already awake and were doing their usual stuff, such as murder, robbery, drug dealing and trafficking, battling with each other in turf wars, sexual business, cannibalism, and so much more. Our young Overlord was no different, although the activity he performed was much less violent and more serene.

In the Hazbin Hotel, inside his own hotel room, Izuku Midoriya, the fourteen years old teenager, who was the son of the Radio Demon and one of the newest students of the top hero academy of his country, was foundable, lying in his bed and sleeping in peace, having been wandering in the realm of dreams for hours in order to take a rest and prepare his body for the next day. But unfortunately, this calm sleep of his was about to end.

As the alarm he set up in his phone to help him wake up in time, our young Overlord awoke from his slumber, slowly opening his visionary organs and regaining consciousness. After he fully opened his eyes, Izuku sat up in his bed and pressed the alarm on his communication device, turning it off completely, then moved his hands to his eyes and rubbed them, attempting to take the sleepiness out of them. Once he completed this act, he proceeded to look around the location he was, not knowing why he was in his hotel room for a short moment. But as he did this, his memories began to flood his mind like a tidal wave, reminding him why he was in the fiery pits of Hell in the first place.

After the first day of high school ended and he arrived back at the apartment he and his loving mother lived in, he was informed by his female parent that he had received a letter from his father, which quite surprised him. So, once his mother gave the letter to him, our dear hero opened it and started to read it, wishing to know why his father sent him a letter and what it contained. And when he accomplished this activity, he was even more taken aback than before. In the letter, his father asked him to lend a hand in the making of a TV commercial about the hotel that Charlie and Vaggie requested him to do, wanting him to aid him in the production of the advertisement as the cameraman. This request from his demonic parent really surprised our protagonist and made him find it a bit strange that his father wanted him to be the cameraman for the commercial, but due to him being the kind, nice teenager boy he was, he decided to fulfill the request of his father, taking his yellow backpack off of his back and placing it on his chair once he was in his room, changing his attire from his high school uniform to the clothes his father gifted him ten years ago, although it was in a larger size to match his current posture, opening a portal between the mortal realm and realm of suffering, and stepping into it, all the while Shadow accompanied him, with him turning into his shadow form when his master entered the portal.

Once he was in Hell and met up with everyone in the Hazbin Hotel who were in the lobby area, including his demonic relatives as well. To his surprise, Razzle and Dazzle were there too, and greeted our protagonist with joy, with them being there since an earlier time of the day and planning to stay there from that day on, as the Princess of Hell explained to him, surprising him with this statement. After this exchange between them, the demonic parent of our dear hero approached and explained that he needed our young Cambion's assistance due to him not understanding how modern technology after his death worked, and also absolutely hating that technology, thus making Izuku understand why his father wished him to help, with him not knowing that another reason for his father asking for his aid was that he wished to spend little bit more quality time with him and strengthen their father-son relationship even more.

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