Ch 19: Made With Love

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The forest hummed with life, a symphony of rustling leaves and chirping birds. Karee, her long black hair catching the dappled sunlight, knelt beside a towering oak, its branches forming a natural canopy overhead. Beside her, Kaden, a mischievous glint in his green eyes, wrestled with a thick branch, trying to pry it loose.
"Careful, Kaden," Karee warned, her voice laced with laughter. "Don't break it."
Kaden, with a sly grin he attempted to heaved the branch free. "I'm not like Rontu," he teased, "I'm strong enough to handle a little wood." Rontu had left two weeks ago to trade with the village by the sea. A pang of longing shot through Karee, but she quickly pushed it aside as she played with the carvinghe had giftedher the night beforehis departure. He would be back soon, and she wanted to surprise both her mates with a thank you for caring for her and taking care of the villages needs.
As the words came out his mouth he gave one last tug on the wood causing it to break in half. His face turned into one of shock and embarrassment as he looked at Karee only to see her trying to hold back a laugh.
"What are we gathering wood and leaves for anyway? I get you said it is a surprise bit I'm still curious." He said trying to get the attention off his previous actions.
Karee though for a moment before she spoke.
"Since you are helping me I guess you should know what we are making." She said a small grin on her lips as she spoke. "We are going to make a bed for our family to sleep on together, and with Rontucoming back from trading soon i figured now would be the perfecttime to do so."
Kaden tilted his head, his dark eyes filled with confusion. "A bed?"
Karee chuckled, a soft sound that rippled through the air.
"A bed," she explained ,"is a place to sleep, a place where we rest our tired bodies."
Kaden blinked slowly, his expression still tinged with uncertainty. 'But we sleep well enough on the ground.' He thought to himself before he spoke.
“But why?” he asked, his voice hesitant. “Why do we need this bed? Why not just sleep on the pelts, like we have always done?”
"I know the pelt pile is comfortable to you but a bed is different," Karee persisted. "It is soft and warm, and it will make your sleep more comfortable."
Taking a stick she began to draw a bed in the dirt, etching out a rectangular frame with four legs. "This is the basic shape of a bed," she explained. "It has a headboard and a footboard, and these are called side rails."
Kaden's eyes squinted slightlyat the unusual figure, "It's unique looking I will admit."
Karee laughed at his doubtful face, "it might look unique but it's going to be so much more comfortable than sleeping on piles of pelts or leaves."
She pointed to the bottom of the frame. "Here, we will put a mattress. It's made of soft materials like feathers or straw, and it cushions our bodies as we sleep."
Kaden nodded. "That sounds much better than the hardness of the earth."
"Next," Karee continued, "we will lay sheets or blankets over the mattress. They are smooth and soft, and they help to keep us warm."
"And what are these?" Kaden asked, pointing to some smaller shapes Karee had drawn beside the bed.
"Those are pillows," Karee explained. "They support our heads and necks, making sleep even more comfortable." Kaden marveled at the image befor him his doubt almost vanishing. "I have never imagined a place to sleep could look like this, but if you are certain I am willing to give it a try." He said as he ruffled her hair with his large hand causing her to smile.
They scoured the undergrowth and in the tall trees for suitable branches, their voices echoing through the silent woods. After several hours of searching, they stumbled upon a fallen ancient oak tree with massive limbs. With their combined strength, they cut and gathered thw remaining sturdy branches they needed to form the framework of their bed.
Next, they collected soft animal hides, some they already had while others Karee traded medical herbs and instructions on how to use them to the people of the village. They also gathered armfuls of fallen leaves and furs. Karee showed Kaden how to layer the hides and furs to create padding, ensuring maximum comfort for their small family. They worked tirelessly, their laughter and chatter bouncing off the towering trees and down the paths of the village.
As the sun dipped down touching the horizon, casting the forest in a golden glow, they had completed their masterpiece. It was a magnificent bed, large enough to accommodate Kadens tall frame and wide enoughto fit the three of them with plenty of room left over. As they set it up in the bedroom Karee couldn't resist testing its comfort, sinking into the soft padding and letting out a contented sigh. Kaden beamed with pride, his mischievous eyes twinkling with delight. "Rontu will be over the moon when he sees this." he exclaimed.
Karee nodded, a warm smile spreading across her face. "I can't wait to see the look on his face."she whispered.
"Come lay down next to me and try it for yourself."
Kaden aproached the new bed gently sitting on it before laying down. At first it felt strange not having to get practically on the ground but as his body sank down into the makeshift mattress his body became relaxed.
"This is amazing!" Kaden exclaimed, his voice full of joy, "I have never layed in something so comfortable before."
Karee smiled, her heart filled with contentment. Not only had she introduced her mate to the wonders of a bed, but she had also deepened their bond, sharing both her knowledge and her world with him.
As the night wore on neither bothered to stand and get food for dinner, both were far to comfortable to move. Karee drifted into a peaceful slumber, the sound of Kaden's steady breathing beside her. She knew that from this day forward, their sleep would forever be intertwined, just as their lives were.

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